Monday, December 22, 2008

Mummy's new toy

It was the last day of class for my darling boy this term.He'd be having a long 'holiday' after this.Due to the arrival of his sister,he'd skipped the next term so would only start his classes again in April.Poor baby....I feel pretty bad for this coz he thoroughly enjoyed going to his Shichida classes.Guess he's already making sacrifices as a big brother,eh? ; )

Had some pics taken with his teacher and friends....

Hubby got me a new toy last weekend...He insisted that I get it,right dear?*grin*
So this pic was tried and tested from my new Cybershot C905!

All in all,we are happy with the quality of pics taken from this phone.The only downside is that there's no vga cam at the front (think video call!).It's so duhh,I tell ya.Anyway,thanks so much dear for the lovely phone....time to!

P.S. I'm up 1kg in just one week...opps!My big tummy and son.....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tick tock...tick tock....

Doesn't it always seem that the final trimester is the loooongest time in your pregnancy?Perhaps it's the overwhelming anticipation that is driving me nuts...hehe....Though I know hubby is as anxious as I am waiting for her,he keeps telling me to enjoy these final moments of pregnancy : )

As much as we are all geared up for the lil' one's arrival,we have (still) yet to pack our bag..opps..Kept on procrastinating,the two of I SERIOUSLY think we should have it done by this weekend,apart from getting the cot up too,since I'm now much better and up on my feet.Yup,I got a nasty flu bug for a few days.All I wanted to do at that time was curled up in bed,which I did...a little...My head was pounding and felt so heavy,body was utterly I had my darling baby boy to bring a handful of toys in bed with me.I was drifting between snoozing and awake while he played.He was not well too,had a running nose...flowing like tap water...and that was after he had a fever (fortunately the fever went off quickly).At that time,I was hoping that I won't go into labour!All my energy was drained....The past few days was a bit of a challenge with both of us sick,especially after the doctor had advised that I needed lots of rest.

We are still fighting off the final remnants of the nasty phlegm.Brought my boy to the doctor's twice and for moi,I had a cocktail of medication.I even lost a little weight when I visited my gynae last weekend.Well,at least I get to sleep a bit better at night after getting doses of medication that make me drowsy...hehe....

I saw this pic in one of my favourite baby websites and thought it'd be nice to have it here.

My boy likes to do this too....maybe I should get his daddy to snap a photo when he's all lovey dovey with his sister in tummy : )

Oh yes,hubby and I had finally chosen a beautiful name for our baby girl *smile* Can't wait!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

...a few more weeks....

I've been taking naps in the afternoons these days.I'd feel rather guilty sometimes coz I could do tons of stuff during that hour or two,but I can't help it.Whenever I put my son to sleep and he'd say 'hug,Umi' and we'd be hugging each other,I'd soon fall asleep too!Guess it's all thanks to the numerous times I wake up in the night now.Mothers who have been in the ninth month of their pregnancy,you know what I mean!

I've only got a few weeks left before it pops!hehe.....

And I REALLY can't wait : ) I hope the labour is quick (and painless?? got to be kidding!).I can't wait to set my eyes on my baby girl...and kiss her and cuddle her...mmm....

But now,I'm still too lazy to pack the hospital bag...maybe this weekend,when hubby's around so he could motivate me in doing so.Speaking of hubby,we celebrated his birthday a week or so ago.We got him a pair of Oakleys (not shades though,coz he already has his Spike) and a Braun Buffel.Couldn't get a table at Carousel (I would love to indulge in Carousel's sweet,sweet desserts...*grin*) but we still went to town for dinner.We even went to Lido,a place we haven't stepped in years,not to catch a movie but to eat nachos with cheese in front of the preview screen....haha.We miss those times when we went for romantic movie dates...wonder when we'd do that again...?!Guess our romantic nights are at home now : )

Our lil' one posing with the 'madagascarians'.

Anyway,I'm truly glad,alhamdulillah,that hubby's in the country now.With the various events happening in India and Thailand,I'd just rather he won't go overseas.His Bangkok trip was recently cancelled.But he's still very busy with work,having to stay on in the office on some days till his new training room is ready and leaving home early for VCs with the US.Though I get frustrated sometimes coz I see less of him,I know having this emotion is unfair coz he's really very tired.I'm always looking forward to weekends : )

Speaking of which,we're going to have a slightly longer weekend soon...Here's wishing all Selamat Hari Raya Haji!

P.S.More pics posted in my Multiply.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yummie Tummie...yumm yumm...

Yummie Tummie is the new leader in comfortable shapewear,body shapers and accessories. Created by a woman for women of all ages shapes and sizes.Celebrities, athletes and fashion models just love the comforting support and improved posture they feel when wearing their Yummie Tummies.They are also great for new mothers.Yummie Tummie was recently selected by Oprah as her Top Picks for Summer.

"No more muffin tops," says Oprah and Heidi Klum adds "I wish that I would have known about this when I had my children because it kind of sucks it all in and keeps it nice,"

I soooooo would love to have one of these,especially Yummie Tummie Body V.It comes in many delicious colours!But priced at US$82...hmmm...that's about S$125 (excluding shipping charges of course)...ooh la la....So tempting...ya know,especially for a soon-to-be-post-pregnancy person like moi!lol...

There are also tank tops and strappies.....Anyone interested to get this for yourself (or for me!), go to

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


My two year old darling reciting his alphabet and numbers...I love it each time he pronounces 'W'! : )

Monday, November 17, 2008

Can't get enough of Michael and Sylar....

Ever since Prison Break 4 is back,I've been hooked on it!!!

Now,I'm itching to watch more episodes,can't wait to know what happens next.For those PB fans,don't worry,I'm not a spoiler so I won't give any details here,unless you want me to!hehe...A few weeks back,hubby and I were glued to the screen till 2am...poor hubby had to go to work in the morning and was groggy in the office of course.

Though PB is already in its season 4,it's still running on adrenaline!I remember watching season 1 when I was pregnant with my son,that was more than 2 years ago...and now,I'm still gritting my teeth and sitting at the edge of my seat watching its fourth season,with my baby girl,in tummy!She seems to get excited watching it too!Guess both mummy and baby can't get enough of Scofield,eh?lol.He's smart,cute and all but Lincoln,still as gruffy and macho as before,is cool too.Sometimes,I wish Scofield would toughen up a bit,ya know,don't get too sissy sometimes....I even have a personal joke with hubby about season 4,maybe you'd get it ; )

Then,there's Sylar...yup,from Heroes,of course.I can't get enough of Heroes too....And I'm beginning to adore Sylar even more now (his character I mean..hehe).With his brooding,good looks,I don't mind liking a bad boy....but is he still?hmmm....*wink*

Till I get more on Michael and Sylar..... ; )

Friday, November 14, 2008

To the Expo yet again!

Though it seems I have a zillion things to do,I can't pull myself away from a good sale....especially a book sale!Yup,another one just started today and for the past few days,I kept telling myself NOT to go coz I've just been to one a few weeks back.Suddenly,I found myself text messaging hubby telling him that I'd be going this morning...opps....The lure of an MPH bookfair AND a Crocs sale was too tough for me to back off.

But,there were perhaps about ten thousand people at the Crocs sale,like you wouldn't believe (is it the school holidays??),and that was before noon!I thought of just getting a 'sassari' for myself-the only wedge crocs that looks nice (I'm just not into flats) but there weren't any.I saw some 'sea foam' and 'peacock' coloured primas but I don't think I'd wear flats even if I got them.There were a steal-at $20 or $25.In the end,I was at the Crocs hall for barely 10 minutes.Looking at the queue to the cashiers,I predicted it would take at least 45 mintues to make payment!So with my son on my hip and my big tummy,we hustled through the crazy crowd,giggling as we shouted 'argh!' to get the hoot out of there!For those who inspire to get dozens of cheap crocs at this sale like I saw some people did (I think they bought shoes that could last 6 generations!haha) ,it's best to get a few reliable friends or family members to queue for you as you choose your items.

A bit dissappointed that I didn't get any 'sassari',my darling son and I scooted off to the MPH sale.There were not too many books for toddlers...though I managed to get 6 good ones for my son for $3 each-what a bargain!It was heaven for bookworms who are into bestsellers and novels,even the new paperbacks are at $8 each.I can't resist getting 'Prisoner of Tehran-A Memoir',even though I have dozens of books at home I have yet to indulge in....yikes....

His new books! : )

Well,I'm happy that we got some good books today.This will satisfy his craving for reading before bed each night.He adores reading and would take at least 5 books to complete every night (which can be tiring for his daddy and me sometimes!hah!).

Though I'm tempted to curl up in bed with my new book myself,like I've mentioned,I have a zillion of things to do-cooking,laundry,finishing up my son's flashcards,helping to pack hubby's bag for his next trip,and the list goes on......Anyway,for those interested,there are going to be the Sitex on 27th Nov and Borders sale on 6th Dec at the Expo fyi.I mught just be there too! : )

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I lurrrve food!

Oooooh....I'm definitely lurrrrving food these days.No crazy cravings in particular...sometimes,just feel like a simple egg prata...or something sinfully sweet ...or something different and exotic...durian,cheesecake,caramel pudding are just some of the yummy food that delights me....mmmm.....*chuckle*.But of course,I TRY to control my intake of those sweet stuff and binge on lots of fruit and take tons of milk and water instead.On my last visit to the gynae,she was rather shocked and amused about my drastic weight gain,after so many months of telling me to put on weight!(payback after the fasting month perhaps?).I was giggling when she told me to watch it a little....I will,but at the same time,I have about 2 months before I have to undergo the crazy confinement period,so why not indulge now,eh?I'm about 58kg now...I remember I was 62kg when I was at full term with my first baby so I guess I'm doing ok.

Anyway,my baby girl's doing fine.In fact,I think she's even more active than her brother in the tummy.She'd create waves on my tummy when she bounces,kicks and swims in me.Insufficient sleep for me has of course crept in.Sometimes,I'd be wide awake at 3am,unable to get back to sleep...And it's more common these days that I'd have to force myself out from bed to empty my bladder for like 4-5 times in a night.Ooooohhh,how I envy hubby sleeping like a baby in bed each night!

Darling son turned two a few weeks back.Gosh,how my boy has grown!Looking back at his photos and videos we took of him since he was a tiny baby makes me tear sometimes.It all seems so fast.....but he'll always be my little baby (even when he's 30 I guess!hah!).The closer my expected delivery date is,the more protective I am of my son,I simply don't know why.In a way,I don't want him to feel left out or ignored when he has a sibling.I'm soooo afraid of that.I don't want to be a bad parent,one who favours one over the other,or neglects one child.I kept reminding hubby to remind each other that we will have 2 kids soon and we have to be fair and spend precious time with both.These days,I'm wondering how it'd feel like to have 2 babies.....

Latest updates : I've managed to wean off my son off the breast!At last!It took him a few days to get to sleep without asking for it.I'd have to distract him with songs ans animated stories if he got reminded of it.It has been a few weeks of breast-free for him...hehe....I soooo need this break before the second one comes along!And my baby boy has been toilet-training for about 3 weeks and he's getting better at it.There were some 'accidents' of course and this requires lots of patience and hard work,but it'd pay off soon I hope!Now he's able to tell us if he needs to use the toilet.He has even started to put up big boy's brief instead of the diaper...*grin*

Weekend's around the corner...hopefully we would get to do something different and fun (especially since hubby's going for yet another business trip on Monday *sob* ) instead of the usual grocery shopping since we had done so last weekend in JB (we had stock-up on diapers,wet tissues,powdered milk,etc!We nearly bought half of Jusco...haha!).

Hmmm......going for a buffet sounds pretty good to me....*evil grin*. Then,with our tummies full,we'd have a cosy evening watching Prison Break 4 and Heroes Season 3.Brilliant!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Soooooooo busy

Wow! I've been sooooo busy lately,I didn't even have time to blog.Didn't even have time to switch on the pc to check my emails on some days.Yup,it's the festive season and I'm all hands and legs...hehe....Had the cleaning team from Just Relax two days before Hari Raya...and I'm happy with their cleaning (not perfect,but they helped about 90% of what cleaning I need to do).A men and 2 women did 4 hours of non-stop scrubbing,dusting,polishing,etc...while I,sat back and of course,just relax : )

Once they packed up,it was time for me and hubby to finish up....iron and put up the curtains,change the bedsheets and cushions and place the yummy kuihs in the containers among others.We slept past 1am after I was satisfied with how our home looked (poor hubby had to persevere my endless remarks to make everything perfect...opps!) and after sampling all the kuihs and chips that our tummies could bear.

So we had like 5 hours of sleep and while hubby was at the mosque,I rushed through altering my little one's gamez.Totally forgot to try on his gamez before Raya and only discovered it needed altering.

My little Arabian Prince

Then,we were off to sis-in-law's place to congregate and EAT!

The entire day was spent eating-for me!!! : ) Sis-in-law's briyani,mum's lontong and sambal goreng,just to name a few.All those good many kuih to sample.Ooooh,my baby girl and I were in a bliss.Hubby couldn't believe how much I ate...hehe....But hey,baby girl and I had fasted an entire month,so now was the time!My baby boy had tons of fun eating too,especially those food laced with chocolates....minimally,of course and he had plenty of laughter with his cousins.We visited about 7 families that day so we were beat by the time we were back home.

With his cuzies....

Cool on bike-just like daddy eons ago!

We had another day of outing on Sunday....and perhaps planning to do a bit more visiting to some friends' homes this weekend.

Ahhh.....I couldn't believe I've gained about 3kg in a matter of days....*rolling with laughter* Even hubby was shocked!But I'm still in the festive mood and indulging in all those yummy sweet stuff.*opps*

Speaking of yummy sweet stuff,it's going to be my baby boy's birthday this weekend and we are having a small party for him...with delicious ice-cream cake and goodies.Can't wait!

P.S. More photos in Multiply! See you there.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fetish for shoes

Managed to get some things done during the weekend.Morning was spent at the gynae's for a check-up.Alhamdulillah,our baby girl is looking good and healthy.I only managed to put on a mere 300gm since the last check-up.Of course,my gynae was concerned about the fasting.Allah knows best,eh...He'll take care of us,Insya Allah.Anyway,it was so good to sneak a peek at baby girl,who was actively roaming and kicking in me!Next month,I'm up for the glucose and another blood test so I guess I'd better pile up on my intake of iron-rich food.

Later,I sheepishly asked darling hubby to send me to get shoes.There was a sale selling Nine West and other branded shoes.... off I went.

Oooooohhhh,the rush I got when my eyes set on those beautiful stilettoes,platforms,pumps,slingbacks....But since I'm preggy now,I have to skip those super high heels.And to keep those after I give birth?No,I don't think so...I'd have to do a lot of running around after the kids I reckon!Hehe.Well,after a few rounds of ogling those 'can't have' shoes,I decided to get a pair of low stiletto heel,leather pumps that has sweet floral embellishments,for a fraction of its original price!

I am a happy woman : )

Next stop was to get new 'baju Melayu' for hubby and son.That didn't take as long as when I hunt for my shoes.*grin* We already have 'gamez' for my Arabian King and Prince to wear on the first day of Raya so this was just something for that weekend.At a shop,my son refused to take off his new 'baju Melayu' after we tried it on him so there he was walking around proudly with his new 'baju' as if it's already Hari Raya!Everyone was tickled when they looked at him.

So there were something for the whole family that day.Hubby was thoroughly delighted about the good bargain on the outfits.My 'pregnant-looking' Raya outfit is still not ready.Obviously they have to do alterations to accommodate my growing belly ; )

Now I can't wait for the cleaning team to come over and do all that scrubbing,mopping and cleaning so that my home will be squeaky clean.A few touch-ups here and there and it'd be more pleasing to my eyes for the coming festive season.

Meanwhile,we are in the final ten days of Ramadhan so in the midst of looking forward to Hari Raya,let's all not forget to seize every ounce of opportunity we can get to meet 'the night of a thousand months'.Insya Allah.

Monday, September 1, 2008

As Ramadhan knocks on our doors.....

Alhamdulillah,we get to meet Ramadhan again.

I hope to be able to fast the entire month of Ramadhan since I'm pregnant thus won't be having any 'days off'.*grin* This would be the second time that I fast when I'm pregnant.The first was in 2006-I was in my third trimester and my baby boy and I managed to fast up till I gave birth to him on the 18th Ramadhan.Hopefully now,my baby girl and I are able to do it : ) But of course,during my first pregnancy,I took leave from work (I was a court interpreter so my work involved a lot of talking and that in itself can be challenging!) so I had plenty of time to rest and laze around at home.Now,circumstances are different-I have an active toddler who requires plenty of attention and often demands to eat and share food with him.haha!

My gynae asked the other day if I'm going to fast.She was concerned as I have not been putting as much weight as I should have.The thing is,it has always been a tad difficult for me to put on weight (thanks to my metabolism).Plus,I'm still nursing my son.But yes,I've been eating as usual of course,sometimes more than ever,but I've been eating a lot of fruits now,I just crave for fruits!More often than not,I'd be hungry and eating away.Maybe the 'required weight' would pile in later on...*shrug* Not too much though I hope!Even in my first pregnancy,people said that my tummy's small,my baby's small...blahh...blah....But he was a healthy 3kg baby when he was born.Just as long as my baby's healthy,eh?Anyway,I'm determine to long as baby girl and me are healthy and fine,Insya Allah.So doa for us,will ya? : )

Have a blessed Ramadhan everyone.Let's all get the best of what this month offers to us,Insya Allah.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An experience at Pulai Desaru

We made our way to Changi Ferry Terminal to catch our 10am ferry.The terminal was a pathetic place.It seems as if no one was there.Even the security post lacked a guard.It was a far cry from Tanah Merah Terminal.There were no food or titbits available for us to buy so it was fortunate that we had stopped by McDonald's to grab some fish fillets.We wondered how the people who worked there survived at such a BORING place.

My son who can hardly sit still at the terminal before embarkation.

There were barely twenty people on board the ferry.The journey took us by surprise as it took only 20 minutes to get to Belungkor Terminal.We reached the hotel way before noon but there was no available room until 2.30pm so hubby and the little one hit the pool before we went for lunch.

Splashing in the pool!

The ambience and menu at the hotel's restaurant didn't tempt us at all,so lunch was a 5-10 minutes drive from the hotel.We had to pay RM24 for a return trip.We filled our rumbling tummies at this place called 'Din's Corner'.It was just rice with your own choices of side was okay I guess.Total cost was RM12,including drinks.What was really nice was the 'tapai'....which is actually fermented cassava.It was very nice-white and smooth with the right amount of sourish taste.It cost only RM2 for a tub (super cheap!).Hubby promised to get a few on Monday before we head home : )

We managed to check in our room when we got back from lunch.The room was spacious with a king-size bed....the bathroom had a clean bathtub,a separate shower and vanity areas.I was happy with these but the rest was abysmal.We could feel grains of sand in the carpet and the balcony,well sucks!It was suicide to open the sliding doors to the balcony....the dangerous-looking grilles,all rusty and eroding,made it impossible for us to be at the balcony.

The little one exploring the room.

As dark clouds loomed above and both hubby and baby were yawning away,we crashed onto the king-size bed and slept the afternoon away (this was hubby's idea of a good holiday-catch up on sleep!).

Dinner was a 30 minutes drive in which we had to fork out an exorbitant amount of RM110 for a return transfer.Hubby was lamenting that he should have had our car here.It was probably cheaper and more convenient to get around to different places.

Anyway,we had great seafood at Jade Garden,Sungai Rengit.We had grouper,baby squid,crabs and lobsters.Yumm!My darling son was eating rather well.He scouped up his rice with baby squid and fish and had a good fill,before running off to say hi to some lobsters.....

The next day,after Subuh,I woke up to find that it was already 9.10am!My baby girl was kicking inside me,wanting some food.Hubby and I rushed to get ready for breakfast as it would end at 10.In the midst of rushing to put on my hijab,I slipped and fell!Ouch!Before anyone panics,I'm fine,not to worry!I fell on my knees so now I have two bruises there : ( After that,I have learnt to be more careful,especially when I was stepping on the tiles.

Breakfast was as abysmal.I noticed a mountainful of nasi dagang that no one bothered to take so I can only imagine how that tasted.It was to the beach and pool later....

We didn't spend a lot of time at the beach.It was definitely not as gorgeous or as safe as at Bintan Lagoon Resort.The waves were unpredictable,sometimes lapping high and scare our baby (even me!).The grains of sand were not as soft and clean as at Bintan's too.After dipping in the waters,the three of us spent copious amount of time in the bathtub together!hah!

All in all,hubby and I agreed that this was the first and last that we are going to Pulai Desaru Beach Resort....and Desaru,for that matter.Though it wasn't as fantastic as when we were at Bintan Resort,we definitely had precious,quality time spent together.We laughed off all the things that were abominable and focus on getting the best out of probably our last trip before second baby!

Fun with his daddy!More pics at Multiply.

P.S.Thanks for the fun time,sweetheart : )

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sweet Pink Or Baby Blue?

I had my detailed scan at 8pm and as always,we were anxious to know if our baby would want to show us its gender.When my gynae asked us to see it for ourselves,my heart was thumping!Did I see it right?,would my baby be wrapped in a sweet pink or baby blue blanket when she/he is born??

I did see it right!Between its thighs,well,I didn't see anything 'protruding'.Hahaha.So,my baby's a girl!!!I'm delighted...and so is hubby!We are most happy to know that our baby girl is healthy and doing well,alhamdulillah : ) And so my shopping spree for baby girl's clothes shall begin,hubby said rhetorically as we were gloating over this last night.Opps!

And while I was blogging this,something caught my eye which made me smile like crazy.Darling hubby has cheekily drew something on our calendar marked 21 Aug....

In all this bliss,I must remember to pack our bag a.s.a.p.Yup,we're going on a mini trip early tomorrow morning so au revoir....Can't wait! : )

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brain Stimulation

Been thoroughly busy the past few days.Sometimes,it seems that 24hrs in a day is not enough.Plus,I get to see hubby for only 3-4 hours each night during a weekday,lesser if he goes for his training.But carpe diem,eh?I'm always looking forward for weekends!

Since the second Parent Course last week,I've been busy putting things together to start home practice for my son.Hubby and I got his picture flash cards,dot cards and memory linking tools from the Shichida bookstore.Then,we browsed for other materials at Popular bookstore.I have to do a number of learning tools myself and this takes creativity (a department which I lack...haha).This right-brain learning at Shichida is definitely not based on that 1 1/2hours weekly class....Indeed,parents have to put in a lot of effort,and I really mean a lot,to have practices and perhaps,change habits at home.Home practices are to be done everyday and it takes between 15-30minutes,which is really not that long,but to make this a routine takes discipline and patience.

If this sounds military to you,it's not.It's actually a lot like child's play.These home activities are to stimulate the right brain.We have senses,image and memory play with the child,whereby most of the materials are home-made.And it is always important to be fun for the kids.It is play time as well as bonding time with mum or dad.My son looks forward to this everyday.I have just started the 65 Days Dots Calculation Training with him as well as flashing at least 150 picture cards each day (I nearly got papercuts!).Though it may seem weird or uncomprehensible,flashing cards at a high speed to a child,activates the right brain. Quote : "When a large quantity of cards is shown at a high speed,the left brain,which works at a low speed rhythm stops functioning,yielding to the right brain that works at a high speed.This develops the right brain memory that allows them to memorize things in a flash."

There are a lot of things that I learn though the Parent Course and the course of my child's class every week.Not only do my baby gets to learn,hubby and I learnt massive amount of information through all this.But what is important is that my son has fun learning and always looks forward to it!

P.S. My second baby is 20weeks now!I can't wait to have a peek at her/him tomorrow! : )
Oh yes,alhamdulillah,Dania,the baby of good pals of mine,are out of the hospital....and I hope she's doing well now.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

From nosebleed to itchy butt

Counting the days.....

Till the 9th...No,not because it's National Day and I'm excited about it.It's the day hubby's coming back from Australia.He's away for a longer period of time as he had to visit two cities so baby and I spent some weekends at home : (

Absence makes the heart grows even fonder,eh?Hubby said it's even more difficult for him to go overseas for work now....already missing us when he's only at the Changi Airport.Me too actually : ( Baby and I are always looking forward to hear his voice on the phone,it feels like he's just next to us.

I wish I could hibernate till the 9th...hehe....Meantime,our son has been looking for his daddy every now and then....calling out for him and asking 'where are you?' (or in his own words 'are youuuu?'

Anyway,I had quite a shock when I experienced a nosebleed a few days ago.I thought perhaps it was because I had played rough with my son and I had hurt my nose or something.Then it happened again at night,3 times!The third time it happened,I couldn't fall asleep again,kept thinking what was wrong with me.The paranoia set in...and silly questions ensued....I was contemplating to ask a doctor's opinion about this....until the next day,perhaps it was Nature's way to reassure me I'm ok,I received my periodic email from BabyCentre,and there it was-a topic on nosebleeds.....

Since my second trimester began I've had several nosebleeds. Why?
Inconvenient and even embarrassing as they can be, nosebleeds are a perfectly normal pregnancy symptom. Your increased blood supply puts pressure on your nose's delicate veins. The membranes inside your nose may also swell and dry out, especially in winter. These changes can cause those veins to rupture quite easily, bringing about minor nosebleeds.

How can I stop a nosebleed?
When your nose bleeds, remain seated and put pressure on the bleeding nostril for at least four minutes. (Don't lie down, the blood could run into your stomach, which could cause nausea or vomiting.) Consult your doctor if you frequently have heavy nosebleeds, or if the above measures don't stop the bleeding.

Can I do anything to avoid them?
• Avoid nasal dryness, especially in wintertime or in dry climates by coating the edges of your nose with vaseline or you could choose to use a humidifier inside your house • Blow your nose gently. Aggressive blowing can lead to nosebleeds. • Drink extra fluids to help keep all your tissues, including the mucous membranes, well hydrated. As annoying as a nosebleed can be, it's a temporary problem likely to disappear after you have your baby.

So there....I was mildly comforted after reading this.I didn't get this when I was pregnant with my first so it didn't occur to me that it was due to my pregnancy.I guess it didn't help that the weather has been sooooo hot these days too.

The other night,since I couldn't sleep or chat with hubby as he was away,these fleeting thoughts came to me...I'm not complaining or such,it's just something that I didn't do anymore,not for some time,before I got married or since baby arrived.It's a phase of life...whereby certain things change,sometimes even without you realizing it....

  • It has been two years ago that I last watch a movie at the cinema.I remember walking hand in hand with hubby at nearly midnight after a movie when I was heavily pregnant then....and that was 2 years ago.

  • I don't go to Orchard Road every week like I used to,before I got married.

  • I can no longer hop from one shopping centre to the next,now that my son's 'shopping' with me.

  • I hang out with friends no longer than 3 hours now.

  • Except for some special occasions,my curfew is before 7pm....since I put my son to bed at 8.

  • I miss holding hands with hubby when we walk....either we have to chase after our little one or he wants to be carried by his I'd just hold hubby by his arm.

  • I don't get to sit beside hubby on the front seat.No more lovey dovey while driving...hah.It's time to sit by and keep watch on the little one at the back.....

  • I miss taking a plane for my holiday.The last time was to Hong Kong.Hubby's not keen to take our young son on a flight...lest our little one becomes uncomfortable or cranky.

Which kind of reminds me....our next destination is in 2 weeks....yay!We couldn't get the resort on 'stilts' so this is our next option,since hubby doesn't feel like having a roadtrip this time.

I could only presume that this would be our final trip before baby number 2 arrives!I'd be in my third trimester soon,then deliver baby,then next trip after this would be 5 years' time?!!! Nooooooo!!!!Nahh,hubby and I are too 'itchy-butt' to stay in Singapore for long! *grin*

Friday, August 1, 2008

No Carly,So Hamptons Instead

Like I said,it's just the beginning....

That five-letter word has been said oh,so often....and I've been thinking about getting it for eon.

So,I took a little trip to town and got myself this....



Yes,I know it's just a bag....opps no,it's not just A's a Coach! : )

I didn't get myself a Carly,something which I wanted for some time.I got the new Hamptons instead...quite spacious,I think it should fit all my baby stuff plus mine.Though it's a tad more expensive than in the States,I got a kick out of shopping for it.I was torn between the Hamptons Vintage Leather Hobo,the Bleeker Patent Tote and Hamptons Signature,so eventually,I decided on this before my baby boy got bored with mum's shopping.

So now,I can shut up whenever I see a Coach bag...coz at last I got mine... : )

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Boo hoo!

We had a good meal at a relative's place on Saturday,celebrating the birth of their second grandchild.It was after 4 when we make our way to the car.Our precious son was carried by sis-in-law.We were chatting when all of a sudden,sis-in-law tripped and fell!There was no time to react,one moment she was walking beside me and the next,she was on the ground.I tried to grab either of them,but my effort was futile.I heard a loud thud as my son's head hit the rough gravel!At that moment,it seemed as if I couldn't breathe.I dropped whatever I had in my hands and grabbed him.He was crying so loud by then,it must have hurt so bad.I checked and re-checked for any injuries over and over again.Fortunately,I didn't see any....but that loud thud....I was quite sure he'd be bleeding.

Alhamdulillah,sis-in-law was fine...and so was my son.Sis-in-law was mortified and of course,blamed herself for what happened...I even noticed tears in her eyes as she apologised....we all know it was an accident.No one wanted this to happen.We were just glad that no one was hurt.

I was pacifying my baby the entire time afterwards....hugging and kissing him endlessly...then trying to make him smile again.He stopped crying after a while but was still holding me tight.Hubby and I kept a lookout for any signs of distress or injury that day.He played as active and chatty as ever,and he slept well during the night so we were relieved.But that incident got me shook up.I kept hearing that loud thud and the incident kept playing in my head over and over again.I kept thinking,what if the worst happened?If his head bled?If we had to rush him to the hospital?I could have been more swift in catching him or trying to break the fall....I should have walked on the left instead of the right so perhaps that would have prevented the fall,right?Those crazy questions kept ringing in my head.I kept stroking his head that night when I was breastfeeding him...and I couldn't help having tears rolled down my face.The only way I managed to ease my unsettled emotions was by talking about it with hubby.He helped pushed my paranoia away.

It took me a while to be fine again...and I've since stopped checking his head for any visible signs of injuries.But I hope that kind of thing will never happen again.It's one thing when you are hurt,it hurts even more when your child is.

Anyway,we got him a nice gift that evening.Went to a furniture store and got him a bright-coloured study table and he'd have a nice place to do his drawings and schoolwork : )

At the store.....

After several minutes of screwing and knocking,hubby and I managed to get these up!Notice my son's 'art pieces'? ; )

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Inflation Vs Retail Theraphy

So I have this sudden urge to shop....such itch!

I like this feeling and loathe it at the same time.It means I NEED to go shopping,which is soooooo fun!It also means I'd burn a hole in my wallet...a thing that would set me staring into space and blinking while I calculate the damage....

Not that I'd stop myself,of course!Especially since it has been too long since I indulge (I'm not certain if hubby would concur..hehe...).So I gathered myself and darling son to one of the nearest malls in the area.

My list of things-to-buy seems endless so I took a breather and think of needs before wants (if it helps!).Shopping with an active toddler is not easy.I have to have my eyes on him AND the merchandise that I'm browsing.I thought having him in a lingerie store won't do me much harm...he couldn't break or harm anything there,right?So there I was intently choosing some delicates when the store's sensor alarm went off.Everyone looked towards the entrance-who 'stole' from the store,we wondered?There he was,my son,standing by the sensor,looking at me with those innocent eyes,a white bra in his hand,and asking me,'why?why?'.I was embarrassed,but it was all so funny at the time that I couldn't reprimand him.The ladies in the store laughed at my son's antic.Trust my son to muse them,eh?*grin*

Anyway,we got home with bags of nice stuff for his daddy,him and me.Some Calvin Klein's and DKNY's for hubby and tons of Fox tees and pants (since a lot of his clothes are getting a tad too tight for him),a Spiderman watch and a remote control car for the little one.

And yesterday,my binge couldn't stop so I got these too....

...for my son and his little sibling.

I'm dying to get some maternity wear since my normal clothes are starting to feel snug.My old maternity clothes?I've sold some off and some,well,just didn't seem stylish anymore.Hehe.I managed to get this truly comfy pair of black pants which doesn't cost a bomb!You know how it is-maternity wear are often expensive!Of course the not-so-expensive ones usually look drab.Oh,Marton-Bell's having a sale now...hmmm....

The Great Singapore Sale might be over...but moi,I'm just starting!

Anyway,can't help but post this up in my blog....My darling son all geared up to go shopping with yours truly.... : )

Monday, July 21, 2008

Where do I start....?

Much had happened the past weeks since my last blog.Some were good...while others,well,let's just say they were tests in our life.

My grandmother passed away on a Saturday morning.It was quite a shock.One moment we got a call saying that she was very ill...then the next,she had passed away.It didn't get to me immediately....not until I saw her lifeless body that I began to cry hard.She was the woman who had taken care of me whenever mum needed to go to work.She was the woman who had tirelessly reminded me to do my prayers religiously.She was the woman whom I wish I still have a moment or two with....I still remember my last moment with her....I took her hand and put it on my belly,telling her that she's going to have another great-grandchild,and that,she'd pray for me it'd be a healthy baby girl.

I have lost my beloved grandpa in 1984 and now,her.....She's with Allah now,we'll always pray for her.

A week or so after her demise,my son was hit by the flu bug.He started with a running nose that behaved like tap water turned on.It only took a day for me to get hit with the bug too.Throbbing headaches came and went,accompanied by a stuffy nose and a bad sore throat.We sent our son to the doctor's twice and alhamdullilah,he's so much better now,especially after the fever went away.I hate being sick!I hate it more when my baby gets sick.At least,he's as active as always so it didn't worry me much.

I didn't bother to visit the doctor,simply got some prescribed lozenges and popped panadols one after another.Hubby's head massages helped a bit,though I sometimes slapped his hands for massaging my head a tad too hard...hehe....I'm glad that he managed to fight off the flu bug when it began to hit him.So last weekend was spent at home.I didn't feel like going out at all....Just stay home and rest.

Mum's birthday had just passed and we got her a sleek uPampie handheld massager and she loved it!I should try it when I'm at mum's one of these days!Due to the pregnancy,I hadn't had my personal masseuse knead my aching back for some time now.

I went to Shichida's Parent Education Course on Wednesday.The timing was awful for us and what was supposed to end at 10.30, ended at nearly 11pm.Of course hubby and son were waiting in the car....Hubby was tired as he came straight from work and my son was exhausted as it was way past his bedtime (he couldn't sleep without me of course).I was anxious and couldn't concentrate much when it was after mind was on my two men.Anyway,the first half of the course wasn't really helpful as the trainer talked about how fantastic Shichida is,its history and affiliates and too much hype about the trainer's children.I guess it's fine if all these are done in say,half and hour...?!What we,parents were there for was to learn about the techniques or best possible ways to teach our kids Shichida's way.....what we need to do at home everyday with our kids to boast their right brain learning.Mind you,we paid hundreds of dollars for that compulsory 3 hours course!We don't want to hear you hype about how this kid is great and your kids are great,etc. for nearly 2 hours.We all noticed how anxious the trainer got towards the second half of the course as she rushed through what she needs to teach us.*roll eyes*

I still have yet to go through all the notes on my own.There are a fair bit of things that I need to learn...Hubby and I hadn't discussed about the materials that we need to purchase too.

Putting that aside,my son likes going for his class.But children being children,they are often distracted easily and my son is the kind who wants to do things himself,so whenever I need to show him how to do an activity,he'd get agitated as he doesn't want me to do it.He'd want the materials for himself and do it on his own.Otherwise,he'd simply refuse to do it.Because of this,I have to tell myself to be VERY patient (especially when patience is not one of my virtues!).I guess being a parent changes us all!

On Saturday,we went to take a peek at our latest little one!

Our baby has grown quite a bit...still couldn't determine it's gender yet but it was so active,kicking its legs and stretching its arms.My gynae took two tubes of blood for a blood test and I really,really,really hope that I don't have to take any iron tablets this time round.I hate the smell and taste of those tabs.Yuck.

In the afternoon,we went to a chalet at Changi for little Akie's birthday celebration.

Her mum was my schoolmate....and it seems it takes us only once a year to meet each other.hah!Akie's also in Shichida and she's picking up 3 languages now and of course,being a Japanese,she has to know the language.Perhaps,my son could learn a bit from Akie.Now,he only knows how to say 'hai' in his Japanese song : )

Later that night,we went to the airport to send sis-in-law and niece who were off to beautiful Turkey.Poor baby was sooooo sleepy and tired by then....

I hope they would enjoy themselves as much as I did when I was there.I'd love to be there again,this time with darling hubby and springtime (yup,I thought of it all...hehe...),but if they want to experience winter,I don't mind that again.Yeah....soon,right dear?Especially now that we are members of the Marriott Vacation Club! *huge grin*
No pressure,sweetheart.... : p

Thursday, July 3, 2008

First day of school at Shichida

It was in March that we signed him up for a class at Shichida.As we couldn't get the one in April,we had to wait for another 3 months.The class is at Toa Payoh Hub instead of my preferred choice at Anson Road.So the night before his class commenced,we had an early night (I didn't want to overslept either!) and embarked on our journey early next morning.

Notorious for my late-coming,we left the house very early and take an express bus.Delighted by the super-fast bus journey,my son was the first student to arrive at Shichida.We had our starter kit in hand,apart from receiving a T-shirt for my genius!

I was anxious to sit in class with my son and explore this right-brain learning programme.After some introduction,the activities for the children rolled out.There were 6 kids in his class,ranging from 21-24 months old.My precious one was excited whenever he saw his teacher taking out new materials for a new activity and would extend his hand to the teacher.There were some activities whereby he managed to recapture some images flashed to him,but he has not manage to determine numbers,such that when I showed him a certain number 10 and then asked him to point to me where was number 10 in the next card,he was unable to.But in the 'parent telepathy' activity,he managed to get the item right.Sometimes,he got a tad distracted by a kid seated on his right,who adored grabbing my son's items, and by another girl who cried whenever she stepped into the class (I sympathised with the kid and her mum coz they missed out the entire class).But all in all,he enjoyed being there.

We will have another class next week before I have to attend a Parent Education Course which would give us a better understanding on the programme and the principles of home practice activites,that is,to teach us the best way to tap our child's potential.

Why place my son in Shichida?And to start 'school' at such a young age?I am not a 'kiasu' parent who wants to enrol her child in as many activities and programmes,believing that he would learn everything.Hubby and I placed our son in this not only to have an insight on how to better bond with him while bringing him up in a stimulating environment....but also hopefully,with the ability to have photographic memory,he would be a 'hafiz' one day,Insya Allah.Amin.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why,it's a Wii!

Hubby and I were excited to go to his company's picnic (though it was not really a picnic this year as it was held indoors!).The venue this year was The Legends at Fort Canning Park.Though we were not late,hubby drove like a race-car driver and we reached there way before 9.I was surprised to see a handful of his collegues were already there...I thought we had to wait upon an empty ballroom...They were far different from my former collegues,I guess,who loved a superstar grand entrance.haha....

Met his friends again and was introduced to some who are new in the company.There were a lot more employees there now since the company's doing rather well and employing more (which means more work for hubby as he needs to train them!).After about ten minutes or so,I was craning my neck to see if breakfast would be served for us.I was famished!Oooohh yes,what a delight when I saw carrot cake and sandwiches being served to my rumbling tummy.I wasted no time....and even had triple servings.*grin*

The rest of the morning was spent playing telematches.Darling son kept running forward to his daddy when he was playing those games and protested when I took him away from daddy so I had to amuse him with other stuff.Other older kids get to paint clays at the kids' area but since he's too young for that,I enticed him with those free-flow chocolates and raisins.

I was getting hungry (yet again) by 10+.Fortunately,more food was served soon after.I had some rice,noddles,salmon,chicken,mutton and vegetables....apart from chocolate eclairs!The food was yummy!But the eclairs can't beat the ones from Thomson Catering.Later,I had more fill of course...hey,I'm eating for two,ain't I?!

We were all anxious for the Lucky Draw....that's the hightlight of the entire event!Winners after winners were announced....hubby and I were quietly hoping that his name would be picked,though not so soon.He confidently whispered that we'd win the top 3...hmmm.....and so WE DID!Alhamdulillah!When the MC announced the second prize winner's name starts with 'I',hubby was beaming!So we got ourselves a cool......

...Nintendo Wii Sports!

We were gleaming....But we had decided that as fun as this could be for us,we don't really have the time for this (we are not 'gamers' or so to say too....),what with our young son and another baby coming up,it's not the time for this...maybe,when our kids are older,heck,'d be fun!

So yup,we have decided to put this up for sale (like our prize last year...hehe...).Hopefully,when hubby gets back from New Zealand (yes,I'm all missing him now!),we'll get a buyer and a good sale for this!

Anyone interested? : )

Saturday, June 14, 2008


My sleepless nights have crept back again.Though I'm tired and sleepy,I'd be waking up several times in a night for no rhyme or reason,then it'd be difficult for me to fall back to sleep.I'd be looking at hubby fast asleep (oh how I envy him)....then I'd turn to the other side and watch my son sleeping soundly.Sigh....By the time it's morning,I'd be like a zombie.And when noon comes,I'd be all ready to sleep again.

I don't like this feeling of fatigue at all and I hope it'd go away soon (2 weeks till my first trimester is over!).Anyway,I was soooooo excited to meet my gynae.We even reached the clinic at 10 minutes after 11 when my appointment is at 11.45.My son was exploring all over the clinic of course,so his daddy was anxious to get this done and over with.

It was finally my turn.....and I was grinning like a Cheshire cat when my eyes met this.....

That's my baby right there! : )

Baby's 10 weeks now....and she/he woke up and stretched her/his hands when we were doing the scan,as if waving hello!We could see its heart beating,legs,hands and all.This may be our second baby,but we are both as excited as when we first laid our eyes on our first baby.

Now,I'm counting down the days till my next 5 weeks.....can't wait to see how much my baby would have grown.

We received another baby news today.Our friends Liz and Fendy have just welcomed their second baby...a cute,chubby girl (who looks exactly like her sister!).We were itching to visit them (Alhamdulillah both mummy and child are fine) so off we went to KK Hospital in the afternoon.I picked up their baby girl and ooohhhh,I couldn't put her back in her cot.She cuddled nicely next to my bosom and I kept looking and kissing her!I told hubby I'm just soooooooo excited for OUR baby to be born.I don't miss the labour of course,but I'd love to have my newborn baby in my arms soon.

It's all a crazy thought....I have to wait patiently till December or January to see her/him!

Oh,and a huge congratulations to Fendy and Liz!!! Liz,welcome to my club...hehe....

P.S. In all my excitement,I have apparently forgotten to take a photo or two of their baby.Duhh...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Feeling better now.....

A lot of stuff has happened since I last blog.Hmmm...where do I start?

Well,I had been feeling lousy past few days...fatigue and laziness to the max.I'm feeling sooo much better now,alhamdullilah.There was a day sometime last week that I saw stars in the day!Yup,I was washing some dishes when suddenly I saw stars everywhere.I was like,oh oh....what's going on?!I was worried that I might faint,especially when there's no one else at home except me and the little one.A thumping headache ensued so I quickly get my son into the room.Put on Hi-5 for him while I laid on the bed.When the headache didn't go away,I popped some panadols....which about 15 minutes later,came out in a very messy way!Ohhhh you can't imagine what it tasted like having mashed up panadol crawled back up in your throat.Yuck!That was the first time I threw up during this pregnancy.I guess I didn't take a good breakfast and whatever else that I consumed later on an empty stomach,couldn't stay in.Same theory during my first pregnancy.....

Anyway,my sweet sister-in-law came by my place later on,bringing me some yummy tomato rice!That definitely brought a smile to my face.....

On a low note,an uncle of mine passed away a week or so ago.I was with my son at the playground when I got the news.A part of me felt a tinge of regret for not being able to visit him in the hospital before.I only knew then that he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

That night,I saw his face in my head.His laughter and his voice....He was a nice man,who took care of his family and often has a smile on his face.I saw him for the last time the next morning....I cried when I saw my aunt and I couldn't help my tears when I saw him.Looking at my aunt,I wondered how she was feeling lose your loved one,your friend,your strength,your husband of many wonderful know that you can't see,hear,touch,smell,feel him again.....waking up not having him beside you....It's so hard,but this is Allah's will....and I hope that she would be granted with much strength and patience.Insya Allah.

The past few days had crawled on slowly for me.Yup,darling hubby's away on a business trip again.Korea,this time.But just in a few hours,my son and I would be jumping for joy cause he'll be back!My baby has been calling out for him so much....each time the door opened or the doorbell rang,he'd think it was his dad.He'd looked for him on the bed in the mornings cause his daddy always give him his baths.Poor baby,he must have missed him a lot (so do I!boo hoo!).

Before hubby's next trip to New Zealand end of this month (dear,I wanna go too!!!!),we'd better have tons of the roadtrip we are taking soon!Can't wait!!!I want to eat lots of yummy seafood!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Breastfeeding while pregnant

I have heard and am still hearing different schools of thoughts on this : Is it ok for pregnant woman to breastfeed her child when she's pregnant?

Two friends (one who is about to give birth to the second child and the other who has just gave birth to her third child) told me recently that their doctors had advised them to stop breastfeeding their 1+ old toddlers when they are pregnant.And just today,one of my sisters-in-law advised me to do the same.They believe that it may be harmful to the unborn child or that the child may not be getting enough nutrients.

I checked on a baby website that I've religiously read since I was pregnant with my first.This is the excerpt :

Is it still possible to breastfeed my son while pregnant with my next baby?

Yes. Your body will carry on producing milk throughout your pregnancy. It's even possible to continue feeding your son after your new baby is born - this is called tandem feeding.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy is fine for most women, although it's important to eat well. Hormonal changes in the early days may give you sensitive nipples making breastfeeding difficult. Nipple stimulation through breastfeeding or making love will cause mild uterine contractions, but, for most women, these are not strong enough to create a problem. However, if you have a history of premature delivery or miscarriage,or if you are bleeding, then you might need to think about weaning your older child.

During the fourth or fifth months of your pregnancy, your milk reverts to colostrum (the nourishing pre-milk produced by your breasts in the first few days after birth), so the taste changes and volume decreases. Some children decide to wean themselves at this point, although others persevere. If your son wants to continue, don't worry about using your colostrum up; your body will continue to produce this special milk until your new baby needs it. If your son is under a year old, and therefore nutritionally dependent on your milk, you might need to keep track of his weight gain at this point.

It is also worth thinking about whether you want to continue feeding your son once your new baby arrives. If tandem feeding is not for you, it will probably be less traumatic to wean him while you are pregnant rather then waiting until the new baby arrives and he is in danger of feeling usurped anyway. If you are not yet pregnant, but trying, bear in mind that it can be harder to conceive while still breastfeeding, as some women find they don't ovulate until they wean.

I have yet to hear what my doctor has to say on this.I am,of course,still breastfeeding my son,but on lesser occasions even before I conceived my second.I only breastfeed him once before his nap,and two or three times during nightfeeds.

I would love to hear comments from mothers out there who are or had been in this situation.

Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm not fat,I'm pregnant!

It has been more than a week since my last entry.I have not even been checking and replying my emails much.I was quite alright initially,but these past few days,I've been feeling extremely sapped of any energy in my body.I'm fatigued and sleepy most times and oh so lazy.All I want to do is be in bed...with the aircon in my bedroom switched on and the fan blasting in my face.I don't like feeling this way really....I've been putting off doing my housework and I only cooked once this week,and that was because I was soooo craving for home-made spaghetti bolognese.Other times my dear sister in law had been sweet enough to cook a bit more for me and hubby.

I used to dislike taking a siesta when my son's napping as it robs me of any chance to catch up on my reading or doing housework....but now,I can't resist slipping onto my soft sheets and pillows.The laundry has not been washed but at least I wake up feeling a tad refreshed.
And I'm glad hubby has been so understanding (as always...)

Night time has not been treating me well....I wake up at least 2-3 times a night as I need to use the toilet (due to growing uterus pressing on the bladder and hormones affecting the balance of fluid in the body,I read) apart from my son's once or twice nightly wakings.I am sometimes awaken because of my hunger pangs too,so now I've started to have a pack of strawberry milk on my bedpost,in case my tummy rumbles.

My nicely-fit Dorothy Perkins jeans are too tight for me (I can't even zip it up!).My slightly loose Levi's jeans are now getting a tad tight...oh oh...I guess it's time I rummaged through my very loose Ralph Laurens and some of my old maternity wear tucked in that dusty box in the corner.Personally,I don't really like the first's when your tummy bulges a little and I'm always so paranoid if people think I'm fat or round in the middle,you know....They won't think you are pregnant...or maybe they'd be too afraid to ask if you are really pregnant or just have fats bulging in your tummy.haha....At least,when you are at four months or more,everyone (except for those young and burly commuters in the train or bus who magically fall asleep upon seeeing any pregnant lady...*roll eyes*) knows that bulge equals baby!

If you think I'm complaining about my pregnancy,well,I'm not....just sharing what I'm experiencing right now.For all the 'not-so-good-stuff' that happens,I love being pregnant.I love knowing that my little baby is growing in me and rubbing my belly makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I'm glad that I do not experience any bouts of morning sickness and am hoping it'd stay that way.

I have yet to see my baby.My appointment with my gynae is on the 14th of next month coz the the clinic's nearly fully booked.I can't wait to see how she (can I use 'she'?! *grin*) has grown.I don't even know my edd yet (except for my estimated calculation).

Meantime,I'm sooooo craving for that triangular mutton 'karipap' dipped in delicious sweet spicy chilli sauce from Har Yasin.....*drool*

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Disney Naturally - Halal Themed Restaurant

Though it was opened a few months back,I was only in on the news yesterday-thanks to a good friend,who incidentally adores Disneyland and whom I ventured with many years ago when we were still single (and much younger!).We had a great time in Disneyland California and this simply brings us back fun-filled memories!

Disney Naturally is apparently the first Disney food and beverage store outside a Disneyland Park.It promises healthy,tasty (and halal!) and a magical experience for all fans,regardless of their age.It's located at Anchorpoint Shopping Mall,370 Alexandra Road #01-05/06 (opposite Ikea).Opening hours :11am to 10pm.This is an excerpt from their site :

It’s the place where the kids are in charge, great for families to meet and share, or youngsters to hang out and watch a Disney movie. It’s a place to order our famous Mickey head shaped pizzas with pizza crusts full of healthy spinach. Drinks include Prince Charming Kiss – a strawberry and mango fruit blend drink; moo moo shakes rich in calcium enriched milk and Disney Juizz and Disney themed ice cream cakes. Check out our in store monitors for daily specials including a choice of healthy soups and pastas. All our food and beverages products conform to Disney’s published nutritional guidelines.

There are Disney movie screenings (the movie schedule is displayed at the storefront) and fancy game sheets for kids to engage in.The restaurant is decked with life-sized statues of the famous Disney characters-Mickey,Donald and Goofy.Not only the seats are shaped like mickey's head....

....even the pizzas too!

Fancy names for the pizzas....

  • mickey’s classic
  • daisy's garden
  • donald's legend
  • minnie's secret
  • pete's pan
  • pino's fancy

They serve mainly pizzas,soups,ice-cream,fruit blends and juices.Some patrons may find the prices for the food a bit on the high side,but I guess you have to 'pay' for the ambience too,eh?Other comments that I came across were that the food were pre-cooked and microwaved before serving (that won't taste good if this is true) and some were thoroughly disappointed with the taste.

While some enjoyed bringing their kids here (and others hated it),I guess I have to venture to this Disney themed-restaurant to give my two cents worth....though I'm already a tad biased as I'm sure it's not close to being at Disney's Restaurant in Disneyland itself.....