Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Feeling better now.....

A lot of stuff has happened since I last blog.Hmmm...where do I start?

Well,I had been feeling lousy past few days...fatigue and laziness to the max.I'm feeling sooo much better now,alhamdullilah.There was a day sometime last week that I saw stars in the day!Yup,I was washing some dishes when suddenly I saw stars everywhere.I was like,oh oh....what's going on?!I was worried that I might faint,especially when there's no one else at home except me and the little one.A thumping headache ensued so I quickly get my son into the room.Put on Hi-5 for him while I laid on the bed.When the headache didn't go away,I popped some panadols....which about 15 minutes later,came out in a very messy way!Ohhhh you can't imagine what it tasted like having mashed up panadol crawled back up in your throat.Yuck!That was the first time I threw up during this pregnancy.I guess I didn't take a good breakfast and whatever else that I consumed later on an empty stomach,couldn't stay in.Same theory during my first pregnancy.....

Anyway,my sweet sister-in-law came by my place later on,bringing me some yummy tomato rice!That definitely brought a smile to my face.....

On a low note,an uncle of mine passed away a week or so ago.I was with my son at the playground when I got the news.A part of me felt a tinge of regret for not being able to visit him in the hospital before.I only knew then that he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

That night,I saw his face in my head.His laughter and his voice....He was a nice man,who took care of his family and often has a smile on his face.I saw him for the last time the next morning....I cried when I saw my aunt and I couldn't help my tears when I saw him.Looking at my aunt,I wondered how she was feeling lose your loved one,your friend,your strength,your husband of many wonderful know that you can't see,hear,touch,smell,feel him again.....waking up not having him beside you....It's so hard,but this is Allah's will....and I hope that she would be granted with much strength and patience.Insya Allah.

The past few days had crawled on slowly for me.Yup,darling hubby's away on a business trip again.Korea,this time.But just in a few hours,my son and I would be jumping for joy cause he'll be back!My baby has been calling out for him so much....each time the door opened or the doorbell rang,he'd think it was his dad.He'd looked for him on the bed in the mornings cause his daddy always give him his baths.Poor baby,he must have missed him a lot (so do I!boo hoo!).

Before hubby's next trip to New Zealand end of this month (dear,I wanna go too!!!!),we'd better have tons of the roadtrip we are taking soon!Can't wait!!!I want to eat lots of yummy seafood!

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