Thursday, October 30, 2008

I lurrrve food!

Oooooh....I'm definitely lurrrrving food these days.No crazy cravings in particular...sometimes,just feel like a simple egg prata...or something sinfully sweet ...or something different and exotic...durian,cheesecake,caramel pudding are just some of the yummy food that delights me....mmmm.....*chuckle*.But of course,I TRY to control my intake of those sweet stuff and binge on lots of fruit and take tons of milk and water instead.On my last visit to the gynae,she was rather shocked and amused about my drastic weight gain,after so many months of telling me to put on weight!(payback after the fasting month perhaps?).I was giggling when she told me to watch it a little....I will,but at the same time,I have about 2 months before I have to undergo the crazy confinement period,so why not indulge now,eh?I'm about 58kg now...I remember I was 62kg when I was at full term with my first baby so I guess I'm doing ok.

Anyway,my baby girl's doing fine.In fact,I think she's even more active than her brother in the tummy.She'd create waves on my tummy when she bounces,kicks and swims in me.Insufficient sleep for me has of course crept in.Sometimes,I'd be wide awake at 3am,unable to get back to sleep...And it's more common these days that I'd have to force myself out from bed to empty my bladder for like 4-5 times in a night.Ooooohhh,how I envy hubby sleeping like a baby in bed each night!

Darling son turned two a few weeks back.Gosh,how my boy has grown!Looking back at his photos and videos we took of him since he was a tiny baby makes me tear sometimes.It all seems so fast.....but he'll always be my little baby (even when he's 30 I guess!hah!).The closer my expected delivery date is,the more protective I am of my son,I simply don't know why.In a way,I don't want him to feel left out or ignored when he has a sibling.I'm soooo afraid of that.I don't want to be a bad parent,one who favours one over the other,or neglects one child.I kept reminding hubby to remind each other that we will have 2 kids soon and we have to be fair and spend precious time with both.These days,I'm wondering how it'd feel like to have 2 babies.....

Latest updates : I've managed to wean off my son off the breast!At last!It took him a few days to get to sleep without asking for it.I'd have to distract him with songs ans animated stories if he got reminded of it.It has been a few weeks of breast-free for him...hehe....I soooo need this break before the second one comes along!And my baby boy has been toilet-training for about 3 weeks and he's getting better at it.There were some 'accidents' of course and this requires lots of patience and hard work,but it'd pay off soon I hope!Now he's able to tell us if he needs to use the toilet.He has even started to put up big boy's brief instead of the diaper...*grin*

Weekend's around the corner...hopefully we would get to do something different and fun (especially since hubby's going for yet another business trip on Monday *sob* ) instead of the usual grocery shopping since we had done so last weekend in JB (we had stock-up on diapers,wet tissues,powdered milk,etc!We nearly bought half of Jusco...haha!).

Hmmm......going for a buffet sounds pretty good to me....*evil grin*. Then,with our tummies full,we'd have a cosy evening watching Prison Break 4 and Heroes Season 3.Brilliant!

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