Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rolling good times.

At last,hubby's back from yet another business trip...and this time,he brought home 3 boxes of chocolate coated macadamia nuts from Sydney!Yumm!While hubby's away,the little one and I had spent some time at his grandparents' home.Other than that,we have indulged in some burning-the-pockets-retail therapy (presents for all three!) and leaving footmarks along the stretch of Orchard Road....which reminds me,they seriously have to build ramps and sloping passsageways all over town for convenience towards pram-pushing parents and the wheelchair bound.Though I am thankful to them for helping me build up my muscles as I carry my baby's pram numerous times when I was there (yeah,sure...),I can't help but feel frustrated witnessing other parents huffing and puffing while carrying their babies' prams every 300 metres or so.

And while at it,may I also lament how ungracious our youngsters are (save for those few who have been taught well by their parents).On those rare moments that I take public transport,I had never been helped or sympathised by youngsters.I was only helped by the elder aunties and uncles and those above it assisting me with the pram or giving up their seats.Those youngsters?Well,they simply chose to turn a blind eye....yes,even those healthy,burly young men.While I don't expect mountains from you,a little help and sympathy just shows how beautiful your heart is.

I digress.Let me veer to something that makes me happy.

Our baby had an enjoyable time this weekend.It was all about play!

On Saturday.....

Fun with water...lots of it!


Manoeuvering the waterjets!

And on Sunday...

Submerged in colourful balls.

Can you see me? : )

His daddy and I had a rolling good time laughing at our baby's antics.It was good to see him having so much fun!

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