Sunday, March 2, 2008


After breakfast at Kiliney's,the sky brought down showers so we didn't get our car washed again.Opps.It has been raining quite a lot these days,it didn't seem logical to wash our car.I was itching to get to the book fair at Expo after missing it since Thursday so I begged hubby to bring us there.It was jam-packed before we even reached the car park.Most people thronged there for the latest bargains at NATAS travel fair though.

I was happy to be among books (I'd love to have my own mini library at home!).Gosh,how I wish I was brought to these places when I was younger.Although mum did bring me to libraries and bookstores,I don't remember being at a huge bookfair like this.I didn't buy any reading materials for myself this time coz I still couldn't find the time to read those that I bought at the previous bookfair.How I long to cuddle up for a few hours with a good book sometimes.Oh boy,those were the days,eh?The last time I remembered,was with Khaled Hosseini's Kite Runner...and I felt so guilty afterwards as I didn't get much work done at home.Now I try to catch up with some reading in the car if the little one's asleep!

I bought some colourful books for my little one...and I couldn't resist getting pretty notebooks for myself.I wasn't sure what I would use them for but I kept picking them up and putting them down,again and again,until hubby insisted that I should simply get them and so I did...and I'm very happy that I can write and doodle anything I like in them!

Later in the evening,I had this splinter embedded in my palm.It was soooooo annoying.It's like your mind is totally consumed with getting it out of your flesh.I didn't want an infection.This nasty splinter was not from your typical piece of wood.This was a speck of metal from,shockingly,my vacuum-cleaner.I gave up trying to prod it out.When hubby came home from his soccer game,I immediately became a demsel in distress so my hero twisted and turned my hand in an attempt to oust the intruder out of my palm.In the midst of it,hubby asked if I can handle the pain.My,my,if I can go through hours of labour,this is next to nothing,right? : )

Eventually,he got the splinter out.What a relief!As hubby put it,what would I do without him?Hmmm,truly,I don't know.....

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