Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Alhamdullilah for a great life

How do some people feel honoured and happier when they get older?They boast about being more experienced and matured (and forgetful perhaps?hah!) each time their calender year flips.I'm quite certain they are just deceiving (and consoling) themselves!

Which was why I feel that I am one of the normal and realistic people when sadness and utter shock seeped through me as I welcomed my birthday a few days back.I've got to get myself a grip....and realization slaps me in the face.

Yes,a year has gone by since my last birthday.

After checking myself out in the mirror for any signs of wrinkles (they are all gorgeous laughter lines I'm sure!),I pondered a bit on my life.I remembered how when I was 19,I told myself that I'd keep track on a milestone every year,so I can look back and say,hey,THAT happened when I was 21 or 25.....

So this is what I got from my memory bank....
20 : Obtained my A'levels cert
21 : Came to be a court interpreter
22 : Trip to Gold Coast
23 : Travel to the States
24 : Trip to Turkey
25 : Trip to Melbourne
26 : Met my sweetheart
27 : Married him! : )
28 : Became a mum! : )
29 : Started my journey as a full-time mum

My milestone for this year,you may ask?

Hubby and I are working hard on it....*wink*

Meantime,I had a huge (pun intended!) surprise for my birthday!



*bling...bling....*It was breathtakingly gorgeous!!!

I lurveeeeeeeeee it!!! I can't believe hubby bought this for me.Thanks sweetheart.Je vous aime très beaucoup!

We had an absolute fun time....

Sipping latte...and taking in the delights of a yummy durian mousse and puffs at Goodwood Park Hotel.....

"I want those!"

"I'll just get them myself!"

I also received some moolah for loving mum,great gifts from babelicious Siti and Sis...and tons of well-wishes from family and friends.Thank you all,without you,my life would be far different.

Alhamdullilah for my good health,rezki,blessings,love and happiness that surround me : )

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