Thursday, July 29, 2010


26th July 2010.

This date marks another milestone for my son.

Big deal or not,it is still something worth celebrating! Yup,from this day onwards,my son has officially said goodbye to his diapers! Yay! *clap clap*

Though it has been about a year or so ago since he's no longer wearing diapers in the daytime,we've never really started toilet training him at night.Blame it on his lazy mummy,who's savouring her undisturbed nights the past year since both kids have been sleeping throughout the night,from 9pm till 8am.It's like,no more getting up in the middle of the night to breastfeed!!! No more oozy woozy in the head,ya know!

Anyhow,the sudden determination and resoluteness that came to me 2 weeks ago could have made me a Nike ambassador.

"Let's do it," I told hubby.

"Toilet-train him," I added before he got any other ideas.

We got a few wet bed nights,all thanks to my slightly-becoming-lazy-to-wake-him-up demeanour as well as a let's-see-if-he-can-control-his-bladder test.But all it took was a few days of those and finally,we decided not to wake him up at all.When morning came,I crept to his bed and checked his groin.Ahhh,it was dry.As dry as a dessert can how about that!

Hubby and I congratulated each other (hubby was truly relieved he could sleep through the night again!) and of course,we made it a big deal to our big boy.Lots of hugs and kisses and plenty of praises for him!

Next step?His younger sister.She's slowly learning how to pee on demand each time we visit the toilet.Yay!

Now who says I can't be easily pleased? : p

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