,would my baby be wrapped in a sweet pink or baby blue blanket when she/he is born??
I did see it right!Between its thighs,well,I didn't see anything 'protruding'.Hahaha.So,my baby's a girl!!!I'm delighted...and so is hubby!We are most happy to know that our baby girl is healthy and doing well,alhamdulillah : ) And so my shopping spree for baby girl's clothes shall begin,hubby said rhetorically as we were gloating over this last night.Opps!
And while I was blogging this,something caught my eye which made me smile like crazy.Darling hubby has cheekily drew something on our calendar marked 21 Aug....

In all this bliss,I must remember to pack our bag a.s.a.p.Yup,we're going on a mini trip early tomorrow morning so au revoir....Can't wait! : )
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