Till the 9th...No,not because it's National Day and I'm excited about it.It's the day hubby's coming back from Australia.He's away for a longer period of time as he had to visit two cities so baby and I spent some weekends at home : (
Absence makes the heart grows even fonder,eh?Hubby said it's even more difficult for him to go overseas for work now....already missing us when he's only at the Changi Airport.Me too actually : ( Baby and I are always looking forward to hear his voice on the phone,it feels like he's just next to us.
I wish I could hibernate till the 9th...hehe....Meantime,our son has been looking for his daddy every now and then....calling out for him and asking 'where are you?' (or in his own words 'are youuuu?'
Anyway,I had quite a shock when I experienced a nosebleed a few days ago.I thought perhaps it was because I had played rough with my son and I had hurt my nose or something.Then it happened again at night,3 times!The third time it happened,I couldn't fall asleep again,kept thinking what was wrong with me.The paranoia set in...and silly questions ensued....I was contemplating to ask a doctor's opinion about this....until the next day,perhaps it was Nature's way to reassure me I'm ok,I received my periodic email from BabyCentre,and there it was-a topic on nosebleeds.....
Since my second trimester began I've had several nosebleeds. Why?
Inconvenient and even embarrassing as they can be, nosebleeds are a perfectly normal pregnancy symptom. Your increased blood supply puts pressure on your nose's delicate veins. The membranes inside your nose may also swell and dry out, especially in winter. These changes can cause those veins to rupture quite easily, bringing about minor nosebleeds.
How can I stop a nosebleed?
When your nose bleeds, remain seated and put pressure on the bleeding nostril for at least four minutes. (Don't lie down, the blood could run into your stomach, which could cause nausea or vomiting.) Consult your doctor if you frequently have heavy nosebleeds, or if the above measures don't stop the bleeding.
Can I do anything to avoid them?
• Avoid nasal dryness, especially in wintertime or in dry climates by coating the edges of your nose with vaseline or you could choose to use a humidifier inside your house • Blow your nose gently. Aggressive blowing can lead to nosebleeds. • Drink extra fluids to help keep all your tissues, including the mucous membranes, well hydrated. As annoying as a nosebleed can be, it's a temporary problem likely to disappear after you have your baby.
So there....I was mildly comforted after reading this.I didn't get this when I was pregnant with my first so it didn't occur to me that it was due to my pregnancy.I guess it didn't help that the weather has been sooooo hot these days too.
The other night,since I couldn't sleep or chat with hubby as he was away,these fleeting thoughts came to me...I'm not complaining or such,it's just something that I didn't do anymore,not for some time,before I got married or since baby arrived.It's a phase of life...whereby certain things change,sometimes even without you realizing it....
- It has been two years ago that I last watch a movie at the cinema.I remember walking hand in hand with hubby at nearly midnight after a movie when I was heavily pregnant then....and that was 2 years ago.
- I don't go to Orchard Road every week like I used to,before I got married.
- I can no longer hop from one shopping centre to the next,now that my son's 'shopping' with me.
- I hang out with friends no longer than 3 hours now.
- Except for some special occasions,my curfew is before 7pm....since I put my son to bed at 8.
- I miss holding hands with hubby when we walk....either we have to chase after our little one or he wants to be carried by his daddy...so I'd just hold hubby by his arm.
- I don't get to sit beside hubby on the front seat.No more lovey dovey while driving...hah.It's time to sit by and keep watch on the little one at the back.....
- I miss taking a plane for my holiday.The last time was to Hong Kong.Hubby's not keen to take our young son on a flight...lest our little one becomes uncomfortable or cranky.
Which kind of reminds me....our next destination is in 2 weeks....yay!We couldn't get the resort on 'stilts' so this is our next option,since hubby doesn't feel like having a roadtrip this time.

I could only presume that this would be our final trip before baby number 2 arrives!I'd be in my third trimester soon,then deliver baby,then confinement...blahh...blahhh...so next trip after this would be hmmm.....in 5 years' time?!!! Nooooooo!!!!Nahh,hubby and I are too 'itchy-butt' to stay in Singapore for long! *grin*
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