So from this....
We stacked it up to become this....
The kids were super excited (so am I!).
Even got them these to commemorate the occasion...haha....

So my baby girl has her own 'big girl's bed' now!How was the first night on her new big bed?She was fine taking a nap in the afternoon but came nightime,she wanted to go back to her cot.She gathered all her fluffy toys in her arms and kept pointing to it and said,'Zahraa wants to sleep,wants to sleep...'.Eventually I managed to soothe her-as usual,by breastfeeding her,got her to sing me some songs and just as she was getting sleepy,I bade her goodnight.Thankful that she didn't climb out of her bed,she was asleep a few minutes later when I went to check : )
But the next couple of nights were a different thing altogether.She now knows how exciting it is for her to be able to sleep near her brother and being able to climb into his bed!So hubby and I had to take turns going to their bedroom and warning them every now and then-stop playing and go to sleep!We caught them sneaking and giggling together...which I have to admit,can be so cute!His sister even climbed up to his bed and fell asleep there.
In the end,I am just glad they can sleep for 10-11 hours straight in the night without any interruptions : P
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