It was the first time that our kids are taking the plane (about time!!) and my darling son was anxious.He could barely contain his excitement.The kids behaved fine in the plane,no crying whatsoever,alhamdulillah (good sign that there'd be more plane trips then!hehe....).
Having laid our eyes on our Beach Club for the first time,we all fell in love with it instantly.Just looking at it made it all worthwhile...what more we had soooooooooo much fun in the club and out!
We snapped about a gazillion photos.Hubby and I wanted to preserve these precious moments with our kids.Photos are long overdue to be posted here...opps.
These are just a fraction of them.Oh,and this is just Part One!Enjoy!

Bags are packed,awaiting for cab to bring us to the airport.

All set!

Quick! We wanna board!

In glee!

By the window,ready to watch the plane take off.

Upon reaching Phuket Airport,we got our rental Vios here.

15 minutes drive to our resort,with the kids giggling at the back.

3 different Marriott's!So which one's ours?

Here we are?? Nope...wrong one!This is Marriott Vacation Club,Mai Khao.

Posing with flowers.*roll eyes*

With their garlands...from the wrong hotel!haha.

This is the one!Outside the Beach Club.

This is it!

Ta dahh!

The kids' bedroom.

Their bathroom which was hardly used.

My kitchen!

Dining area.

Living room.

Our own washer and dryer!Yay!

And our super duper enormous bathroom! Gorgeous!!!So romantic!*wink*

One angle...with a toilet on one side.

Another angle...with a shower room.

The gifts for the kids-beachballs,courtesy of Marriott.Hubby and I shared the 'blowing' equally! : p

Early next morning,our kids couldn't wait to get into the supersized tub.

Brunch at a halal restaurant.Yay,can eat anything here!

Menu of BanSangDuan.

Hubby's yummy teh tarik.

Tom yum,prawn in batter and salty veg-all delicious!

Our half eaten fish.So hungry that we forgot to take photo of this when it was served.

My girl eating long bean in batter.Surprisingly,she liked it!

Shopping time at Premium Outlet for authentic and cheaper than usual stuff.She's helping her daddy browse for RipCurl tees too!

Disappointed with the selection and prices here (can't compare to States!) so entertain the kids.
Hot day = ice cream treat!
Coming up...more photos.Part II.
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