After two days of packing,pocketful of enthusiasm and loads of excitement,we hopped onto our car and headed to our destination.I was determined to have my throne back so we had both kids in the backseats.There was,surprisingly,no protests!Daughter slept throughout the non-stop journey while son was way toooo excited to close his eyes and kept asking,when are we reaching the hotel! : p

Calling up grandma to tell her he'd be staying in two hotels!

Geared up for the ride.

Entertaining himself.

Asleep all the wayyyy...

Reached destination-at the lobby.

Finally in our room at One World Hotel.

Yay!I'm sleeping here tonight.

Ooohhh....Love the a la Hansgrohe overhead shower!Can we have this at home,dear? : p

Love the fact that they provided loofah and great-smelling lotions and bathgels!

View from the 18th floor.
We had lunch,bought some toys from Toys R Us for the kids and walked around a bit.
Then hubby had to do his work at 6pm and that left the kids with me.We posed and took lots of photos all around the room and thereafter,the kids splashed around in the bathtub for a long time till it was time for bed.
Back in the room as daddy has to leave for work : ( At least we have our toys...and each other!
One bed for you,one for me.
He loved the tub,so did I!
The next two days was just the three of us.It was eat,sleep,shop and be merry.Hubby had to work from early morning till late.Missed him loads.So did the kids.Darling son was grumbling and 'reprimanding' his daddy for being away...Daughter was inseparable when daddy's around and refused to let him out of her sight.
Next morning after hubby left at 8,it was breakfast time for 3 of us.
I'm having this!
We spent two nights at One World and another two nights at Renaissance.I love One's as good as Marriott...and the breakfast there was SUPERB!Best I ever had in any hotel.There was soooooo much variety and tasted fantastic.Hoping next time,hubby and I could try the dinner...ooohhh....*rub hands*
My sweethearts.
What are these two looking at?
Saying goodbye to One World Hotel as well as hubby as he still need to work.Next stop,Renaissance Hotel!
Another hotel room...on our king size bed.
In the bath.
Room service...burgers and fries.
Whatcha looking at?
Root beer float at where else,A&W!
Dinner at Al Rawsha-hummus and mandy!
All on daddy!
Babe at pool.
Daddy teaching him to relax and let go.
Manage to float!
Toasts and more toasts! Filled up our tummies before the drive back home.
A note of thanks to hubby for the nice getaway....
Looking forward to our next beach trip at a resort in the next few months!!!*jumping up and down!*
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