Since I don't have much time or opportunity to blog the past weeks,here goes a medley of random things that have happened,could have or would have...hmmm....
1. Both our kids have moved! Yay!!! Moved as in,next door...from our bedroom,of course.A week or so ago,out of nowhere,this sudden contemplation came to me,as if saying,just do it now!So I told hubby,it's time the kids move out!Hehe...we shifted some stuff around from one room to the other and that night,the kids slept the whole night through in their own room!What an accomplishment!I was half-expecting darling son to come into my room in the middle of the night...but he didn't.And darling baby girl slept as usual,at 8.30 and woke up just before 6am for milk,then slept again till 8.I think I was the one with the separation anxiety coz I kept worrying about them.Our bedroom suddenly seemed so empty without them and it just felt weird not getting a glimpse of our kids before I hit the bed.!But it feels so good and liberating to have the room just for me and hubby again : )
2. Because of fact no.1,we didn't get to use the computer as much since it is still left in the kids' bedroom.All our checking of emails,etc are done via our phones.It's tricky where we should place our pc now but hopefully,we'll get it sorted out soon.
3. My baby girl is going places!What was a few steps at a time,now shs'e going Forrest Gump on us-walking and half-running everywhere.Her fave? Taking the stairs-I think she loves the challenge!
4. Our son starts school today-yet again!lol.So it's a new school for him.Our brave,independent young boy took his school van all by himself,waving to us as the van drove by.He was super-excited.I hope he goes home today with lots of delightful stories to share with us : ) Though I was a tad anxious about the timing and re-shuffling of our routine,we did fine.I cooked lunch ahead of time,got him to eat lunch and marched him to go for his nap early.We even managed to slot in some valuable study time in the morning.I'm happy with this new routine and I hope we can all stick to it!
Excited...waiting to go to school...
With his new bag-big enough to stash his A4-size books!
5. The long public holidays are coming but we haven't had any concrete plans yet : ( We are still not done with the moving of a lot of things from the kids' room to ours.Perhaps staying in a bit to get some things done at home would be a good idea.Then again,the four of us are always itching to go out! ; P
6.I must,I must get into some exercise routine or sign up for a class soon!!! I have to...I feel so bad not bad for eating too much...not leading a healthy lifestyle.
Having to take care of 2 kids,no maid or parents to cook or clean for me (not that I want to,I love being independent and doing things my way), is NOT an excuse for not exercising!
7. I love having the opportunity and pleasure of being a full-time mum to raise my kids (thanks to my sweetheart hubby!) and getting to witness them take every milestone of their lives.That smile on their face,the walk that they take to come forward and hug me,those sloppy kisses they give me each day...are all worth for me being tired,sleepy or maxed out! lol.
Till my next blog...I dunno when that'll be,I'm growing tentacles as I speak! : p
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