Over the weekend,with their daddy,we went underwater to catch Spongebob with his pals,Patrick,Squidward and the jellyfish!It was soooo fun!

And just today,my kids and I were off to Sesame Street....

After the show,it was time for shopping,for who else,moi! : P We went to check out 313 and also to Taka to catch a glimpse of LV! *gasp* *faints*

It was a great day out but shopping at Orchard Road is never the same with two kids in tow.One loves to touch everything that he sees,asking why's and what's all the time.The other always want some action,otherwise would get bored apart from asking for milk,of course.Today was the first time I actually breastfed the lil' one in the train coz she just have to have it!Good thing I had my nursing top on so it was easy-peasy with no-show!Which reminds me,I have to get some nice ones but it's so difficult to get those with long sleeve that doesn't cost an arm and a leg....sigh...
Looking forward to next week.Hopefully it happens.....
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