Yeah,that's what it's called.
When I first receive the letter,I was like,WHAT?That was the same reaction from the other mummies in his class that day.It was the last week of April and the Brain Olympics runs between May and June.Our kids were selected and recommended to take part in this Brain Olympics independently.
Apparently,Shichida has this to develop the kids' confidence and reward them for good progress.They would obtain scholarship vouchers (getting this helps to pay a fraction of his fees) as well as a commendation cert for grades achieved.We would not be told of the materials used for this until sometime in May and when his teacher informed us accordingly,I,for some strange reason,got the wrong materials.After practising for a week or so,I suddenly felt something was amiss.After I communicated with his teacher, I realized I had used the Memory Link material for 2 year-olds instead of for 3.
Of course I panicked a little bit...Well ok,a lot actually.Time was short and we had to practice,practice,practice.When we eventually started practising with the correct materials,it left my son about a few weeks till the Brain Olympics Challenge.On top of that,we didn't get to do it everyday as much as I wanted to.
He didn't manage to get all the Memory Link pictures in order.It's like this-there are 40 picture cards that he needs to put in sequence in the given time of 3 minutes.To help him with the sequence,there's a funny (or shall I say ridiculous?!) story that I read out to him with the names of the pictures.This would help him to remember.

First we practise with 10 picture cards...thereafter another set of 10 and so on.Eventually he has to be able to do all 40 on his own.He has never done all 40 cards correctly...sometimes he needed my help in prompting him.At times,I'll get upset or angry especially when I know he knows how to do it,it was just that he either refused to co-operate or didn't pay full attention throughout the exercise (kids being kids!)
The test was last week, 06.06.09
Before we headed for class,I told his daddy to wish him luck and doa for him (and me...coz I was so nervous).
In the midst of his lessons,the teacher announced that we'd be doing the Memory Link.I took a deep breath.I was smiling at my son,trying to give him good energy vibes and stay calm,when I myself,was not.He started off ok...with the first 10 cards (not a surprise coz I know he has memorized those)....then came the next 10...and heart was in my mouth,thumping like crazy....oh,I really wish he'd do well.And when the last card was placed in the sequence correctly,ALL CORRECTLY,I was feeling out of this world!It took him less than 3 minutes (I had never timed him at home before) so there I was GRINNING from ear to ear.I was sooooo proud of him.I gave him a huge kiss and told him he did a great job.Of course,I was too excited to wait till his class was over so I messaged hubby immediately to tell him what happened.
Sadly,none of his friends managed to complete it.
That was the first test he did.There'll be more in terms to come.What it taught me was to be confident of my child,of his capabilities,trust him and most of all,to be very patient when I'm teaching him.I lost my cool sometimes and I'm not proud of it.After all,he's only two.
But what he did that day made me smile for many,many more days to come : )
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