We were anticipating that she'd be out before the 38th week or at latest,by then (hubby had nearly a week off from work even).But day after day,there were neither signs of spotting nor contractions.I felt some discomfort now and then,especially at night but I know it was not contraction.My water was still sufficient but by 3rd January,my gynae said it was running low so eventually I had to be admitted and induced on the 7th.Yikes!Those days before I was admitted,I was worried for my baby.Gynae had informed me of some negative effects that may occur,some less likely than the others.I was rather emotional and would cry to myself sometimes,thinking why was this happening?Maybe I had a wrongdoing and it was a way of punishment...yet at the same time,I kept telling myself,there's a blessing behind it all I'm sure.I was frustrated each time someone asked me,do I feel any pain?(i.e. contraction).
I was ready to go to the hospital that morning.It was like,let's get this done and over with!I was in the labour ward around 11.30.What saddened me was to leave my son.Though I know he was in good hands,it was heartbreaking hearing him cry out loud when his daddy and I left him for the ward.He had never been left in the care of anyone else,that was why it was difficult for him...and us....
The induction was done soon after....the nurse tried to break my water but couldn't.Gosh,she was digging and tugging but it remained intact...ouch ouch....I felt slight contractions afterwards but I was still joking and laughing with hubby.He even tried on the laughing gas mask to see the effect!It was hilarious!He took photos of me and left me for a while to do Zuhur prayers since I wasn't feeling any pain....YET......Past two o'clock,after my gynae broke my water,the contractions got stronger and more frequent.It was like ooh la la....dejavu of my first labour!Ouch!!!How could I forget such pain...I had my 'air selusuh' which hubby passed to me now and then.I put on the gas mask though not too often as I didn't want to get too drowsy or worse,vomit.By 3+,it was going crazeeeeee!It was pain,pain,pain all the way!I suddenly felt the need to hold hubby badly.I was squeezing his hands and arm whenever a contraction was coming.All I wanted was for my baby to be out safely!Out...out...out!
The nurses told me to call for them when I feel like I'm going to 'pass motion'.Gosh,I just want to PUSH,I tell ya!A couple of minutes to 4pm,I couldn't take it anymore so I pressed the button for them.Nurses came in and set up all the paraphernalia.I remember looking at them,thinking...."my gawd,can't you guys move faster?And where the @#%+*! is my doctor?!"The nurses told me my gynae's coming and for me to hold on....HOLD ON?!I felt like screaming to them.I'm in such pain and they tell me to hold on?!!
Finally,my doctor came...all I want to do,yup,you guessed it,was PUSH!And so I did,I think like twice or so,my baby's head was out....but she got stuck....apparently,she was a big baby so the doctor had to turn her to the right position,for me to push again and voila,finally she was out!!!Oh the sweet,sweet relief.....Looking at her and hearing her cries for the first time,with kisses from hubby,I was sooooo happy.She was fine....weighed 3.58kg...bigger than her brother then.
I managed to grab my phone to take photos and video of hubby and her together...while I was still lying there having the placenta extracted out of me and God knows whatever the doctor was doing 'down there'.haha.
When I was pushed out of the labour ward,I was feeling extremely drowsy,thanks to the gas.I could hardly open my eyes,what more to speak.And I was tired.....happily tired.I was also hungry.It's so funny how even before I delivered my baby,I told hubby how hungry I was and kept thinking of food!I had hotcakes and juice for breakfast and that was hours ago...but when I tried to eat,I only managed to regurgitate.Well,that was not helping,is it?*roll eyes*
Anyway,our family came by after maghrib since most fasted on 10 Muharam and had to break fast that day.Everyone was relieved,knowing baby and I were doing good...and that my labour didn't last for many crazy hours like a lot of induced mums went through.Breastfeeding her took a bit more patience at first...I guess coz she's a girl and her mouth is oh so petite and cute.She got the hang of it and like her bro,I'm hoping to exclusively breastfeed her for the next 6 months and continue till she's 2.
Our princess,Zahraa,is 12 days old today and alhamdulillah,she's doing good (her jaundice level has gone down after her 2 days stay in the hospital-gosh those loooog 2 days,just me and her).
She loves to sleep-something I was hoping she'd 'get' from her daddy...lol.
Meantime,I'm in confinement.....hmmm...hate that word.First few days was insane,now I'm feeling so much better,especially when my weight is down to 53kg.*grin & huge laughter*.Sorry,I'm just vain,you see....I'm trying to take care of my health,eat well (I'm still eating a lot) and hope the confinement period is over soon so I could put on some pretty clothes on me and baby girl to paint the town red!
P.S. Love you hubby.Having another baby with you,going through labour and that moment when Zahraa had to admitted in hospital again....what you did for me,for us,how you felt....made me realize all over again how lucky I am to have you,to be with you.
P.S Part 2.....Thanks to my dearest friends,Liz & Fendy,for being there for me when Zahraa's in hospital...for providing me with that emotional support that I need,especially when hubby had to be overseas.
And thanks to all family and friends who have helped us in any way.....

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