As much as we are all geared up for the lil' one's arrival,we have (still) yet to pack our bag..opps..Kept on procrastinating,the two of I SERIOUSLY think we should have it done by this weekend,apart from getting the cot up too,since I'm now much better and up on my feet.Yup,I got a nasty flu bug for a few days.All I wanted to do at that time was curled up in bed,which I did...a little...My head was pounding and felt so heavy,body was utterly I had my darling baby boy to bring a handful of toys in bed with me.I was drifting between snoozing and awake while he played.He was not well too,had a running nose...flowing like tap water...and that was after he had a fever (fortunately the fever went off quickly).At that time,I was hoping that I won't go into labour!All my energy was drained....The past few days was a bit of a challenge with both of us sick,especially after the doctor had advised that I needed lots of rest.
We are still fighting off the final remnants of the nasty phlegm.Brought my boy to the doctor's twice and for moi,I had a cocktail of medication.I even lost a little weight when I visited my gynae last weekend.Well,at least I get to sleep a bit better at night after getting doses of medication that make me drowsy...hehe....
I saw this pic in one of my favourite baby websites and thought it'd be nice to have it here.

My boy likes to do this too....maybe I should get his daddy to snap a photo when he's all lovey dovey with his sister in tummy : )
Oh yes,hubby and I had finally chosen a beautiful name for our baby girl *smile* Can't wait!
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