My grandmother passed away on a Saturday morning.It was quite a shock.One moment we got a call saying that she was very ill...then the next,she had passed away.It didn't get to me immediately....not until I saw her lifeless body that I began to cry hard.She was the woman who had taken care of me whenever mum needed to go to work.She was the woman who had tirelessly reminded me to do my prayers religiously.She was the woman whom I wish I still have a moment or two with....I still remember my last moment with her....I took her hand and put it on my belly,telling her that she's going to have another great-grandchild,and that,she'd pray for me it'd be a healthy baby girl.
I have lost my beloved grandpa in 1984 and now,her.....She's with Allah now,we'll always pray for her.
A week or so after her demise,my son was hit by the flu bug.He started with a running nose that behaved like tap water turned on.It only took a day for me to get hit with the bug too.Throbbing headaches came and went,accompanied by a stuffy nose and a bad sore throat.We sent our son to the doctor's twice and alhamdullilah,he's so much better now,especially after the fever went away.I hate being sick!I hate it more when my baby gets sick.At least,he's as active as always so it didn't worry me much.
I didn't bother to visit the doctor,simply got some prescribed lozenges and popped panadols one after another.Hubby's head massages helped a bit,though I sometimes slapped his hands for massaging my head a tad too hard...hehe....I'm glad that he managed to fight off the flu bug when it began to hit him.So last weekend was spent at home.I didn't feel like going out at all....Just stay home and rest.
Mum's birthday had just passed and we got her a sleek uPampie handheld massager and she loved it!I should try it when I'm at mum's one of these days!Due to the pregnancy,I hadn't had my personal masseuse knead my aching back for some time now.
I went to Shichida's Parent Education Course on Wednesday.The timing was awful for us and what was supposed to end at 10.30, ended at nearly 11pm.Of course hubby and son were waiting in the car....Hubby was tired as he came straight from work and my son was exhausted as it was way past his bedtime (he couldn't sleep without me of course).I was anxious and couldn't concentrate much when it was after mind was on my two men.Anyway,the first half of the course wasn't really helpful as the trainer talked about how fantastic Shichida is,its history and affiliates and too much hype about the trainer's children.I guess it's fine if all these are done in say,half and hour...?!What we,parents were there for was to learn about the techniques or best possible ways to teach our kids Shichida's way.....what we need to do at home everyday with our kids to boast their right brain learning.Mind you,we paid hundreds of dollars for that compulsory 3 hours course!We don't want to hear you hype about how this kid is great and your kids are great,etc. for nearly 2 hours.We all noticed how anxious the trainer got towards the second half of the course as she rushed through what she needs to teach us.*roll eyes*
I still have yet to go through all the notes on my own.There are a fair bit of things that I need to learn...Hubby and I hadn't discussed about the materials that we need to purchase too.
Putting that aside,my son likes going for his class.But children being children,they are often distracted easily and my son is the kind who wants to do things himself,so whenever I need to show him how to do an activity,he'd get agitated as he doesn't want me to do it.He'd want the materials for himself and do it on his own.Otherwise,he'd simply refuse to do it.Because of this,I have to tell myself to be VERY patient (especially when patience is not one of my virtues!).I guess being a parent changes us all!
On Saturday,we went to take a peek at our latest little one!

Our baby has grown quite a bit...still couldn't determine it's gender yet but it was so active,kicking its legs and stretching its arms.My gynae took two tubes of blood for a blood test and I really,really,really hope that I don't have to take any iron tablets this time round.I hate the smell and taste of those tabs.Yuck.
In the afternoon,we went to a chalet at Changi for little Akie's birthday celebration.

Her mum was my schoolmate....and it seems it takes us only once a year to meet each other.hah!Akie's also in Shichida and she's picking up 3 languages now and of course,being a Japanese,she has to know the language.Perhaps,my son could learn a bit from Akie.Now,he only knows how to say 'hai' in his Japanese song : )
Later that night,we went to the airport to send sis-in-law and niece who were off to beautiful Turkey.Poor baby was sooooo sleepy and tired by then....

I hope they would enjoy themselves as much as I did when I was there.I'd love to be there again,this time with darling hubby and springtime (yup,I thought of it all...hehe...),but if they want to experience winter,I don't mind that again.Yeah....soon,right dear?Especially now that we are members of the Marriott Vacation Club! *huge grin*
No pressure,sweetheart.... : p
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