It has been more than a week since my last entry.I have not even been checking and replying my emails much.I was quite alright initially,but these past few days,I've been feeling extremely sapped of any energy in my body.I'm fatigued and sleepy most times and oh so lazy.All I want to do is be in bed...with the aircon in my bedroom switched on and the fan blasting in my face.I don't like feeling this way really....I've been putting off doing my housework and I only cooked once this week,and that was because I was soooo craving for home-made spaghetti bolognese.Other times my dear sister in law had been sweet enough to cook a bit more for me and hubby.
I used to dislike taking a siesta when my son's napping as it robs me of any chance to catch up on my reading or doing housework....but now,I can't resist slipping onto my soft sheets and pillows.The laundry has not been washed but at least I wake up feeling a tad refreshed.
And I'm glad hubby has been so understanding (as always...)
Night time has not been treating me well....I wake up at least 2-3 times a night as I need to use the toilet (due to growing uterus pressing on the bladder and hormones affecting the balance of fluid in the body,I read) apart from my son's once or twice nightly wakings.I am sometimes awaken because of my hunger pangs too,so now I've started to have a pack of strawberry milk on my bedpost,in case my tummy rumbles.
My nicely-fit Dorothy Perkins jeans are too tight for me (I can't even zip it up!).My slightly loose Levi's jeans are now getting a tad tight...oh oh...I guess it's time I rummaged through my very loose Ralph Laurens and some of my old maternity wear tucked in that dusty box in the corner.Personally,I don't really like the first trimester....it's when your tummy bulges a little and I'm always so paranoid if people think I'm fat or round in the middle,you know....They won't think you are pregnant...or maybe they'd be too afraid to ask if you are really pregnant or just have fats bulging in your tummy.haha....At least,when you are at four months or more,everyone (except for those young and burly commuters in the train or bus who magically fall asleep upon seeeing any pregnant lady...*roll eyes*) knows that bulge equals baby!
If you think I'm complaining about my pregnancy,well,I'm not....just sharing what I'm experiencing right now.For all the 'not-so-good-stuff' that happens,I love being pregnant.I love knowing that my little baby is growing in me and rubbing my belly makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I'm glad that I do not experience any bouts of morning sickness and am hoping it'd stay that way.
I have yet to see my baby.My appointment with my gynae is on the 14th of next month coz the the clinic's nearly fully booked.I can't wait to see how she (can I use 'she'?! *grin*) has grown.I don't even know my edd yet (except for my estimated calculation).
Meantime,I'm sooooo craving for that triangular mutton 'karipap' dipped in delicious sweet spicy chilli sauce from Har Yasin.....*drool*
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