Monday, May 26, 2008
Breastfeeding while pregnant
Two friends (one who is about to give birth to the second child and the other who has just gave birth to her third child) told me recently that their doctors had advised them to stop breastfeeding their 1+ old toddlers when they are pregnant.And just today,one of my sisters-in-law advised me to do the same.They believe that it may be harmful to the unborn child or that the child may not be getting enough nutrients.
I checked on a baby website that I've religiously read since I was pregnant with my first.This is the excerpt :
Is it still possible to breastfeed my son while pregnant with my next baby?
Yes. Your body will carry on producing milk throughout your pregnancy. It's even possible to continue feeding your son after your new baby is born - this is called tandem feeding.
Breastfeeding during pregnancy is fine for most women, although it's important to eat well. Hormonal changes in the early days may give you sensitive nipples making breastfeeding difficult. Nipple stimulation through breastfeeding or making love will cause mild uterine contractions, but, for most women, these are not strong enough to create a problem. However, if you have a history of premature delivery or miscarriage,or if you are bleeding, then you might need to think about weaning your older child.
During the fourth or fifth months of your pregnancy, your milk reverts to colostrum (the nourishing pre-milk produced by your breasts in the first few days after birth), so the taste changes and volume decreases. Some children decide to wean themselves at this point, although others persevere. If your son wants to continue, don't worry about using your colostrum up; your body will continue to produce this special milk until your new baby needs it. If your son is under a year old, and therefore nutritionally dependent on your milk, you might need to keep track of his weight gain at this point.
It is also worth thinking about whether you want to continue feeding your son once your new baby arrives. If tandem feeding is not for you, it will probably be less traumatic to wean him while you are pregnant rather then waiting until the new baby arrives and he is in danger of feeling usurped anyway. If you are not yet pregnant, but trying, bear in mind that it can be harder to conceive while still breastfeeding, as some women find they don't ovulate until they wean.
I have yet to hear what my doctor has to say on this.I am,of course,still breastfeeding my son,but on lesser occasions even before I conceived my second.I only breastfeed him once before his nap,and two or three times during nightfeeds.
I would love to hear comments from mothers out there who are or had been in this situation.
Friday, May 23, 2008
I'm not fat,I'm pregnant!

It has been more than a week since my last entry.I have not even been checking and replying my emails much.I was quite alright initially,but these past few days,I've been feeling extremely sapped of any energy in my body.I'm fatigued and sleepy most times and oh so lazy.All I want to do is be in bed...with the aircon in my bedroom switched on and the fan blasting in my face.I don't like feeling this way really....I've been putting off doing my housework and I only cooked once this week,and that was because I was soooo craving for home-made spaghetti bolognese.Other times my dear sister in law had been sweet enough to cook a bit more for me and hubby.
I used to dislike taking a siesta when my son's napping as it robs me of any chance to catch up on my reading or doing housework....but now,I can't resist slipping onto my soft sheets and pillows.The laundry has not been washed but at least I wake up feeling a tad refreshed.
And I'm glad hubby has been so understanding (as always...)
Night time has not been treating me well....I wake up at least 2-3 times a night as I need to use the toilet (due to growing uterus pressing on the bladder and hormones affecting the balance of fluid in the body,I read) apart from my son's once or twice nightly wakings.I am sometimes awaken because of my hunger pangs too,so now I've started to have a pack of strawberry milk on my bedpost,in case my tummy rumbles.
My nicely-fit Dorothy Perkins jeans are too tight for me (I can't even zip it up!).My slightly loose Levi's jeans are now getting a tad tight...oh oh...I guess it's time I rummaged through my very loose Ralph Laurens and some of my old maternity wear tucked in that dusty box in the corner.Personally,I don't really like the first's when your tummy bulges a little and I'm always so paranoid if people think I'm fat or round in the middle,you know....They won't think you are pregnant...or maybe they'd be too afraid to ask if you are really pregnant or just have fats bulging in your tummy.haha....At least,when you are at four months or more,everyone (except for those young and burly commuters in the train or bus who magically fall asleep upon seeeing any pregnant lady...*roll eyes*) knows that bulge equals baby!
If you think I'm complaining about my pregnancy,well,I'm not....just sharing what I'm experiencing right now.For all the 'not-so-good-stuff' that happens,I love being pregnant.I love knowing that my little baby is growing in me and rubbing my belly makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I'm glad that I do not experience any bouts of morning sickness and am hoping it'd stay that way.
I have yet to see my baby.My appointment with my gynae is on the 14th of next month coz the the clinic's nearly fully booked.I can't wait to see how she (can I use 'she'?! *grin*) has grown.I don't even know my edd yet (except for my estimated calculation).
Meantime,I'm sooooo craving for that triangular mutton 'karipap' dipped in delicious sweet spicy chilli sauce from Har Yasin.....*drool*
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Disney Naturally - Halal Themed Restaurant

Though it was opened a few months back,I was only in on the news yesterday-thanks to a good friend,who incidentally adores Disneyland and whom I ventured with many years ago when we were still single (and much younger!).We had a great time in Disneyland California and this simply brings us back fun-filled memories!

Disney Naturally is apparently the first Disney food and beverage store outside a Disneyland Park.It promises healthy,tasty (and halal!) and a magical experience for all fans,regardless of their age.It's located at Anchorpoint Shopping Mall,370 Alexandra Road #01-05/06 (opposite Ikea).Opening hours :11am to 10pm.This is an excerpt from their site :
It’s the place where the kids are in charge, great for families to meet and share, or youngsters to hang out and watch a Disney movie. It’s a place to order our famous Mickey head shaped pizzas with pizza crusts full of healthy spinach. Drinks include Prince Charming Kiss – a strawberry and mango fruit blend drink; moo moo shakes rich in calcium enriched milk and Disney Juizz and Disney themed ice cream cakes. Check out our in store monitors for daily specials including a choice of healthy soups and pastas. All our food and beverages products conform to Disney’s published nutritional guidelines.
There are Disney movie screenings (the movie schedule is displayed at the storefront) and fancy game sheets for kids to engage in.The restaurant is decked with life-sized statues of the famous Disney characters-Mickey,Donald and Goofy.Not only the seats are shaped like mickey's head....

....even the pizzas too!

Fancy names for the pizzas....
- mickey’s classic
- daisy's garden
- donald's legend
- minnie's secret
- pete's pan
- pino's fancy
They serve mainly pizzas,soups,ice-cream,fruit blends and juices.Some patrons may find the prices for the food a bit on the high side,but I guess you have to 'pay' for the ambience too,eh?Other comments that I came across were that the food were pre-cooked and microwaved before serving (that won't taste good if this is true) and some were thoroughly disappointed with the taste.
While some enjoyed bringing their kids here (and others hated it),I guess I have to venture to this Disney themed-restaurant to give my two cents worth....though I'm already a tad biased as I'm sure it's not close to being at Disney's Restaurant in Disneyland itself.....
Monday, May 12, 2008
Yay!Another one!
Alhamdullilah.Hubby and I are smiling from ear to ear....and back!haha!
The news are on BBC,CNN and ChannelNews Asia,that is,mum and dad,dad-in-law and sisters-in-law are already in on the news.I couldn't wait to tell them of course!
I'm well,alhamdullilah,except that I'm more sleepy these days.My appetite...the same,I guess,I'm nearly always hungry (thanks to my metabolic rate!).Hmmm,no wonder my darling son has been wanting to sleep on my chest the past few weeks...perhaps he knows : )
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day weekend.
So Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mummies out there!You rock!hehe....
I read with much amuse when I saw the cover page of the Sunday Times....
$23,000 a month-An HR expert says that's the amount a stay-at-home mother would be paid if you consider all the jobs she performs.Agree?
The 'jobs' that were listed were executive housekeeper,childcare teacher,chef,personal assistant and driver.Wow!$23,000 a month to do what I'm doing now?I think you'd see me shopping every other day instead.haha!When I told hubby to read on this,he rolled his eyes till I couldn't see his irises!
Mother's Day weekend was busy for me,not so much of doing chores though (luckily!).We spent our Saturday across the causeway since it had been months since we last drove over.The little one's diapers and Anakku wet tissue stocks were depleting so we braved the jam a bit to get across.Fortunately,it was not so bad after hubby manoeuvered over to the Second Link instead after we saw a sign stating that there was a bad jam at BKE going towards the checkpoint.
We filled our rumbling tummies at Kenny Roger's once we reached out destination.The service was bad,I tell you.Apparently,they don't serve water (they won't inform us immediately when we ordered for it,so we waited until we nearly choked on our food and asked for it again,it was only then they would tell you that they don't serve water).We had to do waves and dances before we could get any attention from the waiters.The food and drinks came after a long wait.Fortunately,the food was ok (I love the banana muffin.yumm!).
We didn't shop for many groceries this time round as it seemed that most of the things that we wanted to get were priced much higher than they were in Singapore.Or perhaps,we should have gone to Giant instead of the 'grand' building of Jusco.Next time perhaps.....
I was truly looking forward to yoga on Sunday morning.A lesson was missed last week as hubby couldn't be home to look after the little one.This Sunday morning,I was raring to go.I had not been to any exercise class since I got married!It was sooooo bad.I used to take up kickboxing for a few years and yoga for about a year.It was truly therapeutic to put on those gloves and do your sidekicks and punches and simply go crazy.Since I couldn't take that up now,yoga is the next best thing.Of course,for those who have done this,you would know it is not as easy as it looks.
Though my former instructor,Rai,was better than my new one,I enjoyed my new class tremendously and it was only later in the night that I began to feel some aches because of those cactus,cobra and camel poses that I did!

But I feel really good! : )
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Charco's "the flaming chicken"
Blame it on the really good massage I had this morning.Yup,I finally had my personal masseuse came over after more than two months of 'non-kneading' my body.Hehe.I'm addicted to her massage,I tell ya.Today,I had to bear with a lot more pain,on my left arm,legs and shoulderblades.But it was worth it!
And what was more pleasurable was right after a cool shower,I curled up with my new Paolo Coelho's Veronika Decides To Die and I eventually fell asleep.....
I woke up only to serve my rumbling tummy.As darling hubby suggested that I didn't have to cook today (hooray!),we got ready for a lunch-out and decided to drive all the way to Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 to try Charco's-a sprouting new eating place.

There were not many people there,probably because it was a tad too late for lunch and too early for dinner.I was under the impression that it was of a restaurant or cafe type but it was more of a kopitiam/coffeeshop.But it took up a big area where it showcased its salads (caesar-halal of course,coleslaw,potato,seafood,etc) and chicken (charco's and portugese).It looked really appetizing.

After walking back and forth a few times to see which ones got us salivating the most,hubby and I decided to order two different sets-rack of ribs and 1/4 portugese chicken (as opposed to charco's,as the staff claimed the portugese is nicer as it has more spices and a bit more spicy.) We had fries,coleslaw and a corn cob with them.
Our verdict?
The chicken was very nice.Tender and juicy,with just the right amount of spice.It was not really spicy.Hubby really liked it dipped in barbecue sauce.The fries were thick and crispy on the outside.I liked the did the little one.Hubby didn't really enjoy them as he prefered thin fries.The corn cob was nice too...sweet and soft.The rack of ribs?Hmmm...I didn't like them at did hubby.A bit too hard and well,the taste just didn't do for us.
After having two sets of food,we felt we could eat some more (trust us to eat!hah!) so hubby ordered a chicken kebab which happened to be one of the best we've ever tasted!The downside was that it,too,came with now,we had a loadful of fries that we couldn't finish.
All in all,we had a pleasant dining experience.We even had half a chicken packed for home : ) Charco's offers a variety of food to choose from-kebabs,burgers,schnitzels,wraps and even briyani (rather weird though).The prices won't burn a hole in your pocket too.The staff were nice and friendly.We even 'interviewed' them about Charco's.It is Australian-owned and apparently,they are considering to have an outlet in the east (yay!),possibly in the first quarter of next year.
The downside?Well,it's not a restaurant or cafe so no AC for us.We had to eat in the sweltering afternoon heat,but fortunately,the place is somewhat covered and ventilation was not bad.Just have lots of icy,cold drinks with your food.There were also many birds who flew in to peck on patron's leftover food so it was rather disturbing.But my little one descended into an uncontrollable fit of giggles when he saw the birds pecking and flipping fries with one another.He was so amused looking at them!
So we drove back home with happy tums...but I was still thinking of the big slice of apple pie that I saw at the showcase.Though I was way too full to have that,it couldn't stop me from thinking of it.hah!Anyway,perhaps sometime in future,other rotisseries like Kenny Roger's and Nando's might consider having outlets here...halal ones,of course.Now,that would be awesome!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
A date at Fig & Olive
We had decided to try Fig & Olive.Fendy ordered a bowl of salad while Liz only picked on some items in it that she liked (a bit like me too...hehe).Hubby and I didn't have the habit of ordering salad if we eat out so we zoomed in onto the main course-Zafira Zaytoon Steak and Olive Grill Lamb.

The lamb was not bad but the olive rice was hard and grainy and none of us finished it (hubby and I both agreed that Swenson's was soooo much better.)We had a great conversation with Liz and Fendy and exchanged our parental experiences.Looking at Deana,I guess hubby and I are not the only ones who have a tough time during the little one's mealtime.For a moment,we didn't feel so alone.Hah!The two tots were hooting,laughing,bouncing,banging,tapping,twisting and turning all the while their parents were trying to put food in their tiny mouths.They chose what they want to eat (it drives me up the wall sometimes) and stuck out their tongues to splatter back what food were in their mouths.
We took out a loadful of food from our bags to satisfy them....raisins,gummy bears,cheesestick and various biscuits.Eventually,Zubayr was sharing his Graduates star munchies with Deana....extending his arm across the table to pass a star to her.Deana,with a huge,cheeky grin,took it and put it in her mouth.It was such a cute moment!
Deana tearing off the wrap-around placemat...Zubayr did the same of course!
The happy month,it's gonna be four!
My precious.....
We walked around a little bit at the waterpark and the play area there but didn't commit our babies to play.There were many kids around and hubby decided to be a little cautious since HFMD is prevalent.Time was not on our side either and our two tots seemed to be tired.Hubby,our little one and I had been out since 9am to go shopping at Expo (in which I grabbed 5 good books by Paulo Coelho and such,bought footwear for the three of us,curtains for home,hubby got a blu-ray player for office and other 'damages to the wallet!)
So we said our goodbyes before heading home.It was a good time spent with friends (and babies!) and hopefully,we get to do this again soon! (soon means after Liz gave birth,undergone confinement period and all...hehe).