Saturday, March 8, 2008

My new toy

There were different ideas from various people,on how to treat that strange red,itchy patch on my son's leg.It was the size of a twenty cent coin and it reappeared repeatedly just when we thought it was diminishing.We tried Zambuk,lotion,an anti-fungal cream...all didn't seem to work.As his daddy was getting worried,we decided to visit the doctor.In truth,it was eczema.Although slight,the doctor said it was best to treat it and for us to be aware of any products we use on him as it might be the cause of this,and not to rub any of those medications we had put before.It may also be caused by an insect bite or dust.So it seems he may have sensitive skin (just like mummy) so we better not take things for granted anymore.

The little one managed to meet up with his peers in the evening.Three pairs of mummies and daddies nearly brought the house down during dinner at Eatzi,but boy,was it a fantastic meal!Thanks to a dear friend of hubby (he was the 'angel' who gave us the treat,at a nice restaurant,no less!),we tucked in to delicious steak,fries,seafood and dessert.Of course,our kids were chasing one another and were making a din in an otherwise peaceful restaurant.We had one child stuffing more food than his tiny mouth can handle,one who spilt a drink on us (this one's mine..hah!) and one who didn't feel like eating anything.It was a fun,boisterous dinner that we had!

Nonetheless,I couldn't wait to get play with my new toy!*wink*

Now,now,it's not what you think it is (if indeed,you are thinking what I'm thinking....hmmm...).

This is it....

I did a last-minute homework the night before after I was pleasantly surprised to know that there was a buyer for my former Canon Ixus.I had only put up the ad in the afternoon and a mere three hours later,I got a buyer,alhamdullilah.So not only hubby could look out for his stuff at the IT show,I get to look for my own toy too.Since we have a super active boy,we love the anti-shake DSP and auto ISO sensitivity control present in this Exilim (it is compulsory!).Plus,we got a 4GB SD card with this : )

I hope to post up some new pics that I take with my new toy soon!

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