Didn't get to go grocery shopping as it was raining cats and dogs.I was itching to get out of the house even though I was sooooo sleepy so suggested to hubby that we went out for a while in the late afternoon.
We had our lunch at home and still,I was not sure why I was famished so we had an early dinner at Swensons.Something new in the menu that caught my eye....cheesesticks!It's so hard to get cheesesticks (superb ones) locally (I don't think there's any other place that has delicious cheesesticks!If you know any,please enlighten me!) but hubby and I,and even our little one,loved this.Its warm cheese was oozing out when we bit on it...yumm!Reminded me of the time Arti and I had loads of hot cheesesticks when we were in California.Cheesesticks and hot chocolate.....that was soooooo good I tell ya!
We had dessert at Ben & Jerry's....

Our New York Super Fudge Chunk of course, and Chocolate Fudge Brownie (if I'm not mistaken).We also had their new Chocolate Euphoria shake-it was wow!
It was so chocolately-sinful....hehe....
Still.....I bought 2 chocolate doughnuts before I hopped back into our car to head home... : )
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