Managing a super-active baby on our roadtrip was not easy...only thing that kept him still was mummy's milk...the rest of the time,I'd have to entice him with his books,toys,food and by watching The Wheels on the Bus dvd.Hubby didn't want to speed (too much) this time as he didn't want to get booked (again).At 12.30pm,we finally reached the hotel.The view from our 10th floor hotel room was fantastic!
I was already itching to get to the theme park...Our little one,in the meantime,was busy exploring the room!
We have to hide several items and safe-proof the room immediately.
We were hungry by then,as we only had nasi lemak at 10.30am at one of the stopovers,but decided to head for the theme park as it will close at 6.We hunted for the rides that our 15 month old can take...Chief Crazy Horse Carousel,The Vulture,Wagon Wheel....Poor baby was sleepy at this time,rubbing his eyes and looking dazed,but with all the various colours and movements,how could he sleep?
Hubby and I managed to take an adventure ride (we are both thrill seekers and love adventure rides) and had our little one with Sis.But as we slipped into the 'Tomahawk' seats,he started to cry and call for us.We had taken the front seats and thus he was able to see us from the gates.We saw him pushing Sis' hands away from him and tears were streaming down his rosy,sun-burnt cheeks.I felt bad leaving him there and even thought of getting off (if not for the fact that we were already belted up).After hubby and I were hurled upside down and the ride was slowing down,I waved at my baby boy and suddenly saw him desperately trying to slip under the gates to get to us.It was hilarious and heart-warming at the same time.He clutched to me closely when I picked him up and was still sobbing quietly.When his daddy tried to take him,he slapped his hand away,perhaps angry that daddy had taken mummy away from him.....As you may have guessed,that was the ONLY ride we took without him.
We sat to eat while watching big,beautiful tigers at Tiger Cage Cafe.After some mini bites (that didn't do much for my rumbling tummy),we were off to the water park!This wiped the sleepiness off my little one,no doubt!

He went down the baby slide and splashed through 'The Mali Cove' in 'Waters of Africa'.He didn't want his float and refused to hang on to us.He wobbled in the waves but had a splashing great time.
It poured near closing time so we headed back to our room and changed for dinner.
Dinner was at the shopping mall just next to our hotel (there is an internal access so it was very convenient) at a new place called Pappa Rich.The kway teow was so yummy,not too oily,salty or black....and the kaya-butter toast was superb!Although the bread was thick,it was crispy yet soft.It was no doubt nicer than at Killiney's.
That was the beginning of our food-feast.....stay tuned.....