We were late for our appointment this morning so we had to wait a while longer than we were supposed to.This time round,daddy held him instead, for his MMR injection.He was babbling and exploring everything as always,but when the needle came,oh boy,his cry pierced the air!My poor baby...I felt the pain too...He seemed a bit angry after that.Daddy was trying his best to soothe him.His cries didn't last long though,which was good.Now I just hope he won't run a fever after the injection.As 'guilty' parents,we decided to bring him to the new T3.He was delighted....running through the vast terminal and absorbing new sights.

As always, our lilttle explorer didn't want to hold our hands as it would restrict his movements...He prefers running free....
He even got down on all fours to feel the newly carpeted T3!
Can't wait for us to have breakfast or lunch the next time we are there....
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