Friday, July 24, 2009
Packages arrived!
Meantime,I'm awaiting for the other local parcels to arrive...yikes,all these shopping is making me hyper!lol!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Next top model
My son has been my top model and he still is....and now,he has,not a contender,but a partner...his own little sister.So like a friend of mine cheekily said,my girl is my next top model!So right!Especially when we all know that there are soooo many cute stuff you can dress up girls with.She may be only 6 months but her wardrobe is getting bigger by the day.Opps!
My baby girl is going places now,literally!She's pushing herself and practising hard to get hold of all the toys in the house and other stuff that she's not supposed to touch too!She has yet to crawl expertly,just a lot of butt wiggling on fours!Can't keep my eyes off her for long coz she's fast.One moment she's in the east and the next,in the west.Her fave past-time?Grabbing our hand and stuffing it into her mouth,grinding,making it her teether and the result would make you scream.Those tiny,pearlie whites may be small but boy,are they sharp!
My son is loaded with questions now....why,what,when....A simple question can turn into a pop quiz.He just won't stop asking and talking!Oh boy....
And when you put them together,it'd be a whole lot of ruckus and tons of fun and laughter.
My baby girl adores her brother.She would simply light up when she sees him,eyebrows raised,legs start kicking furiously and a huge grin plastered on her face.Her brother is fond of making funny faces to her,jumping and playing peek-a-boo and once they start,peals of laughter could be heard across the room.Or if she cries,he'd go over to her and sing some silly songs that only the two of them understand...and she'll immediately stop crying.Her brother is her muse.
They are a handful I tell ya,but looking at them in the world of their own is truly heartwarming : )
It was fun with one,it's a blast with two!*wink*
Friday, July 10, 2009
An early weekend
Mum couldn't wait.She wanted to meet very early in the morning!I got my kids ready and zoomed to where else,my favourite hunt,Orchard Road!
Grinning happily since he loves going out!
Milk first please!
Those were the days when I could cover the shopping malls from Scotts Road right down to City Hall.I was no longer a frequent Orchard Road traveller and when I reached there,a lot has changed.
So happy to see grandma!
"I want some latte pretty please..." *gasp*
"Are you done with trying on the make-up?"
Darling son was surprisingly patient....He kept on saying,"All these are girls' stuff,Umi".Haha....I promised him we'd go to the toy department once we were done of course.
After shopping for a bit more,we had a quick lunch as mum had to head off to work,leaving the kids and I to do more wallet damage.Opps!My boy was so excited to get these....and even more excited to show them to his daddy.He chose the 'car'-his fave!
I even put him through a haircut.

Costs me $16 but it was done too quick and lousy.*roll eyes*.Hubby said it was better when I cut our son's hair...sheesh....Well,at least now we know huh?It's better to spend a long time in the bathroom cutting my son's hair and have giggles with him,than to have it done at a shop and pay for it.
Now I just want his hair and curls to grow out again.Errgh!
Today,I met up with my entrepreneur friend who makes and sells a lot of cute girls' stuff.We had lunch and chatted a bit but it was not easy with our daughters crying for milk and attention!She even had her daughter spilled food on her
She was so sweet...she gave us these,specially made....

If anyone likes to purchase,let me know,I'll give you her details : )
P.S.I'll put up pics of my baby girl with these on in my Multiply soon.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My big girl.
It was exactly 6 months ago that I moaned and groaned till she popped.hehe...Time flies huh.
So everyone had been asking me "when are you going to feed her with food?" (as if my milk is not food?!) You know how it is...the older generation has always believe in feeding really young babies with rice or porridge.Anyway,my answer was always-"Just like her brother,when she turns 6 months".Then,they'll reply..."oh,poor thing,she needs food lahh,etc,etc...."
I stand my guard.I want to breastfeed my little girl exclusively for the first 6 months and I did-just like her bro.And today,together with the moral support and hoorays from my FIL,SIL and the rest (even her own brother was super excited!),my baby girl had her first scoop.

She was delighted and curious at first...but after 2 feeds,she decided breastmilk is still for her!So she started pushing it out and making bubbles instead.
And she's so gleeful about it!
Check out her lashes!I want! ; p
So she has finally eaten food.But that doesn't mean,she must eat anything or everything.I'm totally strict on what goes into my kids' mouths and I'd appreciate that should someone wants to offer anything to my kids (i'm talking about both),that they ask me first.It irks me when people simply choose to give them as they like-sweets,chocolates,crackers,gassy drinks...the list goes on.I will allow it if I think fit.Over the top,you think?Well,they are my kids after all and I have the right to decide what's best for them.
Of course,for my baby girl,breastfeeding is still going strong....hopefully till she turns two,Insya Allah.Tiring as it may be,it's so nice to have her cuddled up to me....and smelling her hair and skin,while she touches and searches my face with those tiny fingers : )