Though it seems I have a zillion things to do,I can't pull myself away from a good sale....especially a book sale!Yup,another one just started today and for the past few days,I kept telling myself NOT to go coz I've just been to one a few weeks back.Suddenly,I found myself text messaging hubby telling him that I'd be going this morning...opps....The lure of an MPH bookfair AND a Crocs sale was too tough for me to back off.But,there were perhaps about ten thousand people at the Crocs sale,like you wouldn't believe (is it the school holidays??),and that was before noon!I thought of just getting a 'sassari' for myself-the only wedge crocs that looks nice (I'm just not into flats) but there weren't any.I saw some 'sea foam' and 'peacock' coloured primas but I don't think I'd wear flats even if I got them.There were a steal-at $20 or $25.In the end,I was at the Crocs hall for barely 10 minutes.Looking at the queue to the cashiers,I predicted it would take at least 45 mintues to make payment!So with my son on my hip and my big tummy,we hustled through the crazy crowd,giggling as we shouted 'argh!' to get the hoot out of there!For those who inspire to get dozens of cheap crocs at this sale like I saw some people did (I think they bought shoes that could last 6 generations!haha) ,it's best to get a few reliable friends or family members to queue for you as you choose your items.A bit dissappointed that I didn't get any 'sassari',my darling son and I scooted off to the MPH sale.There were not too many books for toddlers...though I managed to get 6 good ones for my son for $3 each-what a bargain!It was heaven for bookworms who are into bestsellers and novels,even the new paperbacks are at $8 each.I can't resist getting 'Prisoner of Tehran-A Memoir',even though I have dozens of books at home I have yet to indulge in....yikes....
His new books! : )
Well,I'm happy that we got some good books today.This will satisfy his craving for reading before bed each night.He adores reading and would take at least 5 books to complete every night (which can be tiring for his daddy and me sometimes!hah!).
Though I'm tempted to curl up in bed with my new book myself,like I've mentioned,I have a zillion of things to do-cooking,laundry,finishing up my son's flashcards,helping to pack hubby's bag for his next trip,and the list goes on......Anyway,for those interested,there are going to be the Sitex on 27th Nov and Borders sale on 6th Dec at the Expo fyi.I mught just be there too! : )