Managed to get some things done during the weekend.Morning was spent at the gynae's for a check-up.Alhamdulillah,our baby girl is looking good and healthy.I only managed to put on a mere 300gm since the last check-up.Of course,my gynae was concerned about the fasting.Allah knows best,eh...He'll take care of us,Insya Allah.Anyway,it was so good to sneak a peek at baby girl,who was actively roaming and kicking in me!Next month,I'm up for the glucose and another blood test so I guess I'd better pile up on my intake of iron-rich food.Later,I sheepishly asked darling hubby to send me to get shoes.There was a sale selling Nine West and other branded shoes.... off I went.Oooooohhhh,the rush I got when my eyes set on those beautiful stilettoes,platforms,pumps,slingbacks....But since I'm preggy now,I have to skip those super high heels.And to keep those after I give birth?No,I don't think so...I'd have to do a lot of running around after the kids I reckon!Hehe.Well,after a few rounds of ogling those 'can't have' shoes,I decided to get a pair of low stiletto heel,leather pumps that has sweet floral embellishments,for a fraction of its original price!I am a happy woman : )Next stop was to get new 'baju Melayu' for hubby and son.That didn't take as long as when I hunt for my shoes.*grin* We already have 'gamez' for my Arabian King and Prince to wear on the first day of Raya so this was just something for that weekend.At a shop,my son refused to take off his new 'baju Melayu' after we tried it on him so there he was walking around proudly with his new 'baju' as if it's already Hari Raya!Everyone was tickled when they looked at him.So there were something for the whole family that day.Hubby was thoroughly delighted about the good bargain on the outfits.My 'pregnant-looking' Raya outfit is still not ready.Obviously they have to do alterations to accommodate my growing belly ; )Now I can't wait for the cleaning team to come over and do all that scrubbing,mopping and cleaning so that my home will be squeaky clean.A few touch-ups here and there and it'd be more pleasing to my eyes for the coming festive season.Meanwhile,we are in the final ten days of Ramadhan so in the midst of looking forward to Hari Raya,let's all not forget to seize every ounce of opportunity we can get to meet 'the night of a thousand months'.Insya Allah.
Alhamdulillah,we get to meet Ramadhan again.
I hope to be able to fast the entire month of Ramadhan since I'm pregnant thus won't be having any 'days off'.*grin* This would be the second time that I fast when I'm pregnant.The first was in 2006-I was in my third trimester and my baby boy and I managed to fast up till I gave birth to him on the 18th Ramadhan.Hopefully now,my baby girl and I are able to do it : ) But of course,during my first pregnancy,I took leave from work (I was a court interpreter so my work involved a lot of talking and that in itself can be challenging!) so I had plenty of time to rest and laze around at home.Now,circumstances are different-I have an active toddler who requires plenty of attention and often demands to eat and share food with him.haha!
My gynae asked the other day if I'm going to fast.She was concerned as I have not been putting as much weight as I should have.The thing is,it has always been a tad difficult for me to put on weight (thanks to my metabolism).Plus,I'm still nursing my son.But yes,I've been eating as usual of course,sometimes more than ever,but I've been eating a lot of fruits now,I just crave for fruits!More often than not,I'd be hungry and eating away.Maybe the 'required weight' would pile in later on...*shrug* Not too much though I hope!Even in my first pregnancy,people said that my tummy's small,my baby's small...blahh...blah....But he was a healthy 3kg baby when he was born.Just as long as my baby's healthy,eh?Anyway,I'm determine to long as baby girl and me are healthy and fine,Insya Allah.So doa for us,will ya? : )
Have a blessed Ramadhan everyone.Let's all get the best of what this month offers to us,Insya Allah.