Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
On the high seas...Part one.
All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

This time around, not by road, not by air...let's go by sea instead :) Yay!
Thrilled about their new surprise gifts-their own luggage bags!
Pose 1.
Pose 2.
Finding our room at this super loooooong corridor on the ship!
Finally, we found it! Open it,quick!
The toilet & shower : fits 2 persons at a time only.
The halal-certified buffet-style restaurant are packed to the brim, but we managed to stuff ourselves with this : yummy stuffed-as-much-as-you-want-tuna sandwich :)
Our sweaty lil girl, during our al fresco dining.
It was showtime after dinner!
Waiting for the magic show to start, in camouflage...hehe...
Late night for them but still hyper!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I am still here.
Can't believe my last blog was in July. Today is 8th November, a rainy, quiet morning. It's quiet coz the 2 are still in bed!
Anyway, some people have asked me about this...if I am still blogging.How should I answer? I still am, and love to...but it's really,really, I mean, seriously really busy days for me now, that I don't have the opportunity to blog, put up photos,just yak on my blog...It's always stock-taking,photo-taking,packing,mailing,check payments,replying to customers...doing all this AND taking care of my darlings...The list goes on,that sometimes,as much as I feel like sleeping in after subuh, I'd dragged myself out of bed to finish up my work...or I'd stay awake till the wee hours to pack items.
But in all this, alhamdulillah, I simply loveeeeeee what I am doing now.Doing my own biz, my own thing,earning enough to indulge (yippie!) and at the same time,getting my bank account fatter...all at the comfort of my own santuary and having my 2 little darlings around me all the time. They even helped me out with my biz! Their favourite would be labelling stock or pasting stamps,of course! : p
This month, it'd marked a year since I started my 'accidental' business. How wonderful is that? I've learnt a lot since I started out and made many friends along the way...suppliers and customers who became friends. I hope this journey will be a lasting and successful one,insya Allah : )
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Job well done!
It was a wobbly start...not even sure if he was too young then to be enrolled in Kumon, but he proved well, independent enough to do his worksheets everyday, even though he's the kind who couldn't sit still, couldn't have his butt on his seat for 2 minutes (yes, he'd either have half his buttock on the seat or he'd be standing and writing at the same time), he did fantastic in his Math! He's doing Math that is 2 years ahead of him now, alhamdulillah. And we are all (aunts and uncles and grandparents included!) so, so proud of him! :)
P.S. A reminder to both hubby and me to ALWAYS be patient with him. He is a smart kid, but we have to be patient when we sit doing his math with him..he is only 5 after all!

Seated in the front, all geared up to receive his trophy.
His sister giving him the much needed support ;pTheir lovey dovey moment :)
Truly happy for getting the trophy as well as eating some satay and cheesecake :)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Another KL biz trip,please :)
Each time hubby has a biz trip to KL, I get excited!! What does it mean? It means, by default, we are tagging along! *grins* He will have to ditch his flight and we'd have a roadtrip instead. Best part? We soooooo love the hotel there. Great food and good, convenient shopping! So while he's busy conducting his training, the kids and I will be busy eating and shopping...and await till his work is done, so that he can join us! Thanks for accommodating us, dearie :)))
At our little fancy restaurant that we fell in love with instantly!

A must have to end our meal-Chocolate cake.

Just look at the ambience...
Our watermelon juice in a fancy jug!
Pasta with meatballs-so yummy!
A must have to end our meal-Chocolate cake.
Don't even try to help, she'd say, " I can do it myself!"
All four are hooked on Gelato Fruity, especially the durian flavoured one! *faints*
Fine dining at Bukit Bintang with the kids : p
Birthday boy, delighted to get a cupcake and a fantastic holiday :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Cameron update from many months ago...hehe...
Been toooooo busy these days, didn't have time to update my dusty blog. Yikes!

Just putting up some photos of our Cameron trip that we went in April...lol. I know it's been a few months but doesn't matter coz my blog is like my lil notebook or diary, whereby I jot sweet lil things that happen..so I won't forget, all those details that make me happy! : )))
Raining on our way there...raining cats & dogs!
And here, we are in the clouds! So misty!Weee....
Our princess asleep throughout...from KL to Cameron.
Chilly winds from the outside with the windows down.
Sight and smell of food wafting into our car.
After a few crazy hours of driving in the pouring rain, going round and round the bendy roads (which hubby love! hah!), we got to our destination! : )
Our one of a kind hotel! English,baby! : p
Beautiful facade indeed and glorious scenery. We were grateful that the rain stopped as soon as we reached, alhamdulillah! Walking in was indeed an eye-opener. Antique everywhere, from the telephone, typewriters,lamps...Not only were the kids mersmerised, so were hubby and me.How fun to experience something different from our usual Marriott and what-not! We were served some ginger drinks (yikes!) and hot towels (ahhh....) before we were brought to our room.
My kids who had never seen a typewriter!
Checking out the surroundings.
Our oh-so-cosy room! :)
After a short rest and gobbling up all the complimentary fruits in our room, we made our way to the strawberry farm since the weather was just perfect.
A cheeky, smug look of my princess.
Happy to be doing this! We just LOVE strawberries!
The guy who accompanied us here,was trigger happy to feed our princess with strawberries!
Just look at those cheeks! Gobbling up one after another.
Snack time! Yummy fresh red strawberries with our strawberry tea, strawberry shake and chocolate dip! Simply strawberry crazeeee!
Next stop....durians!
He is soooo into durians!
And finally, after gorging all those, we sat down,swinging happily having dinner!
What a pleasant surprise having this when we got back to our room : )
The morning after...a beautiful sight from our room.
Such cooling weather and gorgeous scenery, felt like being in Europe (for 5 seconds!hehe)
After breakfast,the kids running in the garden...and refusing to look at the camera for a shot!
A little exploring...
After a bit of walking and tons of taking family photo shots, we were back to the hotel for some RnR and giggles before checking out.
At the fireplace.
Lobby area...saying our goodbyes!
On the way down...raining cats and dogs again!
And our adorable ones, on the long way back home,they entertain us with their songs and antics!
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